  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    I practice Buddhism but do study astrology, numerology, manifestation & chant Hindu mantras. Idk if those count but yeah interesting thread

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Hmu sometime on the gram or some, me and my girl been getting into a lot of stuff lately would be cool to be able to discuss some stuff since we dont know anybody irl besides her parents who are into these kinda things @op

    So many great things to discover in this field, even though not everything may be “real” its still interesting

    Reading this lately, has a nice history of everything occult

    Yes of course find me on insta I don't know many people who practice either! Tarot can be magical for relationships ✨ I'm definitely going to add that to my books to read Here's what I'm reading atm, Benebell is the author that really got me deeper into my practice

  • Feb 25, 2021
    2 replies

    I practice Buddhism but do study astrology, numerology, manifestation & chant Hindu mantras. Idk if those count but yeah interesting thread

    Yes those definitely count! Sounds like our practices are pretty similar, a lot of my rituals and mantras are rooted with Buddhism/Hinduism ♥️

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply
    sweet n sour sauce

    Yes of course find me on insta I don't know many people who practice either! Tarot can be magical for relationships ✨ I'm definitely going to add that to my books to read Here's what I'm reading atm, Benebell is the author that really got me deeper into my practice

    Nice, def gonna do some research on that Does it go into detail about specific cards or just everything else in general how to handle the Tarot? I'm not really looking for specifics on cards because as i told you i'm using the Thoth deck and the names & such in there differ from a lot of other Tarot decks out there. Also i'm learning everything in my native language so that would maybe be like double confusing

    Whats your ig?? i'll follow you

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply
    sweet n sour sauce

    Yes those definitely count! Sounds like our practices are pretty similar, a lot of my rituals and mantras are rooted with Buddhism/Hinduism ♥️

    how u feel about samsara/wheel of life?? that s*** is so fascinating to me. I believe in karma but not sure how i feel about the concept of reincarnation although like i said it is super interesting to read about

    Been reading the Tibetan Book Of The Dead lately and rewatching Enter The Void a lot

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Nice, def gonna do some research on that Does it go into detail about specific cards or just everything else in general how to handle the Tarot? I'm not really looking for specifics on cards because as i told you i'm using the Thoth deck and the names & such in there differ from a lot of other Tarot decks out there. Also i'm learning everything in my native language so that would maybe be like double confusing

    Whats your ig?? i'll follow you

    My IG is @siamesekittyy

    I think this book is more focused on the Rider-Waite deck but there are many things to take from it esp. if ur a beginner. What’s your native tongue ?

  • FlyHiii

    how u feel about samsara/wheel of life?? that s*** is so fascinating to me. I believe in karma but not sure how i feel about the concept of reincarnation although like i said it is super interesting to read about

    Been reading the Tibetan Book Of The Dead lately and rewatching Enter The Void a lot

    I believe there's truth in all of it ✨ I've always been fascinated with the concept of past lives and reincarnation. There are people and places I feel drawn to and I feel like that would explain it

  • Feb 25, 2021
    sweet n sour sauce

    Yes those definitely count! Sounds like our practices are pretty similar, a lot of my rituals and mantras are rooted with Buddhism/Hinduism ♥️

    Nice & when it comes to certain sects of Buddhism like Vajrayana yeah for sure, it's more rooted in mysticism and energy work. I can see the overlap

    the part you said about understanding impermanence earlier itt is like the foundation of our teachings

  • Feb 25, 2021
    sweet n sour sauce

    My IG is @​siamesekittyy

    I think this book is more focused on the Rider-Waite deck but there are many things to take from it esp. if ur a beginner. What’s your native tongue ?

    Dutch, not to be mistaken with our boring German neighbours lmaooooooo

    also, followed don't come at me for my placeholder name

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Also wanna know how the people itt feel about Aleister Crowley interesting guy and the things i hear people say about him are sooooo divisive

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 26, 2021
    1 reply

    Full moon tomorrow what's everyone up to

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Full moon tomorrow what's everyone up to

    there was a super moon aswell, it looked so big and majestic me and my girl always felt a special connection to the moon, even to the point we started calling each other moon where other people would say babe or something lmao

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Anybody else keep a notebook/diary for your Tarot???

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Also wanna know how the people itt feel about Aleister Crowley interesting guy and the things i hear people say about him are sooooo divisive

    He was a piece of s*** tbh

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Anybody else keep a notebook/diary for your Tarot???

    I do a single card reading every day and keep track on which cards pop up multiple times etc

    Been trying to get into multiple card readings but connecting them to a single meaning hard af

  • Mar 1, 2021

    He was a piece of s*** tbh

    I'm sure he was but it's the same with musicians for me, gotta seperate the artist from their art. He really had some great books and insights into the occult in general and i think most of the really extreme stories about him could have been nothing but fantasy stories. He was known for enjoying the vague myths surrounding his name

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    I do a single card reading every day and keep track on which cards pop up multiple times etc

    Been trying to get into multiple card readings but connecting them to a single meaning hard af

    Interesting, i started with single cards pulls but quickly jumped into a 3 card spread. It's easier for me to get a significant meaning out of a card if i can connect it to the surrounding ones

    What deck you using?

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Interesting, i started with single cards pulls but quickly jumped into a 3 card spread. It's easier for me to get a significant meaning out of a card if i can connect it to the surrounding ones

    What deck you using?

    The Rider Waite deck.

    Kinda started as a joke because a lot of girls around me into tarot and astrology but after f***ing around with it for a bit I actually got interested fr lol

    Did you learn all the card meanings etc or you just go with your intuition?

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Anybody seen the library of esoterica books by Taschen? They got some goat art books so I’ve been thinking about buying these
    Pt 1 is about tarot and pt 2 about astrology

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Don’t really have nothin against astrology/witches/signs, but i swear when y’all go “that’s jus what a Capricorn would say” that s*** so annoying 😂

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Don’t really have nothin against astrology/witches/signs, but i swear when y’all go “that’s jus what a Capricorn would say” that s*** so annoying 😂

    I love spiritual s*** but i agree that s*** annoying. I feel like most women (not tryna be ignorant but to my experience it's almost never men who post about their signs as often) who constantly reference their astrology sign on IG aren't even into the spiritual like that and just read some astrology articles online from time to time and go ''omg yea sis that's so me!'' and make that their personality

    But when somebody is genuine about it and remains critical while actually putting effort into deciphering how the universe and your inner self works, then that is the most beautiful thing to me

  • Mar 1, 2021

    I love spiritual s*** but i agree that s*** annoying. I feel like most women (not tryna be ignorant but to my experience it's almost never men who post about their signs as often) who constantly reference their astrology sign on IG aren't even into the spiritual like that and just read some astrology articles online from time to time and go ''omg yea sis that's so me!'' and make that their personality

    But when somebody is genuine about it and remains critical while actually putting effort into deciphering how the universe and your inner self works, then that is the most beautiful thing to me

    So annoying bro, I’ve blocked so many astrology b****es on Twitter cuz they keep popping up on my TL, judging people and s***

  • Mar 1, 2021

    The Rider Waite deck.

    Kinda started as a joke because a lot of girls around me into tarot and astrology but after f***ing around with it for a bit I actually got interested fr lol

    Did you learn all the card meanings etc or you just go with your intuition?

    I started off mainly with a mix of my intuition (i use the Thoth deck, it's very colorful/abstract and i really am a person of intuition) but i really admire the mystical and historical aspect of the tarot so i felt inclined to really put in that work and learn the links. Mind you i'm still learning!

    I started using a diary to go with it, i already captured all my significant readings on photos to keep for later, but i write a lot of common knowledge about the Tarot system itself in there and it really helped me a lot to put the pieces together so far

    This video might be useful for you, if you're willing to put the time in

  • Mar 1, 2021
    The Wizard

    Imagine believing in Witchcraft

    says the Wizard

  • Apr 17, 2021
    1 reply

    @emu 🙋‍♀️