That album is hot
Poetry is best opener ever
Then daddy’s home
The whole thing really flows too. Great songs. Great body of work. S***s long tho. I sure most of y’all don’t even know how good of a closer the remorse is.
The first words on the album is “I love you” and the last is “don’t forget it”.
Who else but drake could think of some s*** like that and make it work?
Think as time goes on people will come around.
CLB 9.75/10
Timeless Classic
Go back to sleep
No, but Champagne Poetry is really such a good intro
Go back to sleep
That album is hot
Poetry is best opener ever
Then daddy’s home
The whole thing really flows too. Great songs. Great body of work. S***s long tho. I sure most of y’all don’t even know how good of a closer the remorse is.
The first words on the album is “I love you” and the last is “don’t forget it”.
Who else but drake could think of some s*** like that and make it work?
Think as time goes on people will come around.
CLB 9.75/10
Timeless Classic
No, but Champagne Poetry is really such a good intro
Not even top 4 from him
Not even top 4 from him
Well that’s a pretty pointless comment, Drake has some of the best intros ever. But I’d prob put it top 5 alongside
Over My Dead Body
Tuscan Leather
Digital Dash
(In no order btw)
I’ll never forgive him with starting the album so perfect with Champagne Poetry and Papi’s Home and completely killing that vibe with Girls Want Girls and In The Bible smh