dude said:
"daddy's home "
yea im out. when he started singing daddy's home dadddyyss home yea that s*** is not swag. Almost unnecessary and cringe!
Not even top 4 from him
shows you how good the goat is that a 9.5/10 intro isn’t top 4 i guess
Imagine thinking Damn is a classic lmao
recycle bin classic
man got washed by rihanna
Tbh I was one of those who was disappointed at first. The video showing his past classic albums and hinting of elements from them in CLB, the long wait and just the buzz about the album made me think we would get a certified classic, so I wasn't too pleased at first. So I kind of understand people who were talking down on it in the beginning. But since then I've changed my opinion on it, I like it now. The replay value is insane
Yeah I was disappointed too but because I had too much high expectations, always liked the album besides some songs. Putting In the Bible and GWG 2 tracks in was a very bad decision too.
Go back to sleep
shows you how good the goat is that a 9.5/10 intro isn’t top 4 i guess