No agency
They bout to mr robot her ass and give her 3 personalities
They really revealed he is alive first trailer when in bvs he will be dead again ....
Also she publicly seen in 1984 in a Mall yet is an urban legend
They bout to mr robot her ass and give her 3 personalities
Retcon all over this movie “ it’s cute because now she is introducing him to the world “
They really revealed he is alive first trailer when in bvs he will be dead again ....
Also she publicly seen in 1984 in a Mall yet is an urban legend
It’s not connected anymore!!!!!
unrelated, I don't read a lot of comics but my uncle gave me one as an early teen of Maxwell Lord blowing Blue Beetles brains out. That was the first time a comic ever really threw me off. The dialogue was so good too
Yeah, I'm good luv. This trailer did little to nothing for me, I expect more from a WW/DC flick than a MCU rehash I'm good on those
Yeah, I'm good luv. This trailer did little to nothing for me, I expect more from a WW/DC flick than a MCU rehash I'm good on those
huh lol? The first one was a success, made a lot of money and was received well. Of course they were going to make another one lol. The majority liked the first one..
yall talking on here like the first one tanked or something lol
the movie was still horrible one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen in theaters
I can't front I didn't even watch the whole thing.
It doesn’t get any better so don’t blame you
more diet mcu shat damn
Marvelized Onion
DC learned nothing from justice league reception. I’m impressed
DC seeing Thor Ragnorok