dawg imagine if DC took their time and built up to Maxwell Lord by establishing the league as individual characters. Him popping Blue Beetle was crazy to me as a kid then WW snapping this niggas neck
How the hell Marvel pushing Black Widow to November and DC only pushed WW1984 to August when originally BW was suppose to be out in may before WW1984’s release?
Now October 2nd
Good that its still this year but yeah, idk why WB thought people were gonna be rushing to the theaters in August
Good that its still this year but yeah, idk why WB thought people were gonna be rushing to the theaters in August
Still holding out on that July 31st date for Tenet tho
Still holding out on that July 31st date for Tenet tho
Hope it works out but idk man, like even with theaters open people are still gonna be way too paranoid
Wonder Woman in October and Black Widow in November. Nice.
Wouldn't be surprised if they get pushed back tho.
final trailer I presume
Trailer of this played in IMAX few days ago made me realize how MID this looks
Trailer of this played in IMAX few days ago made me realize how MID this looks
gonna be terrible tbh
Trailer of this played in IMAX few days ago made me realize how MID this looks
Theaters open there for you? Nice
gonna be terrible tbh
Yeah idk why anyone is excited for this. This trailer is the definition of Mid
Trailer of this played in IMAX few days ago made me realize how MID this looks
what imax you know is open
We've only got one trailer, which wasn't great, but I can't say this looks mid YET
Some good ass movies have horrible ass trailers