Praying I can get this s*** repaired today it should arrive at 5 and the place closes at 8
The place they’re taking it to don’t have any type of website to schedule an appointment so i don’t have a garentee it’ll happen but I can hope for the best as usual
Someone please post this as a thread
She really f***s the doll bro
I get paid to sit on my ass for 8 hours slowly wasting away from boredom, so in
Someone please post this as a thread
She really f***s the doll bro
Someone please post this as a thread
She really f***s the doll bro
! is a thread for people bored at work why u posting stuff like this in a thread for work man what the f*** is wrong with you
This is a thread for people bored at work why u posting stuff like this in a thread for work man what the f*** is wrong with you
I've read this 3 times and I can't f***ing breathe
Where you work, man?
Custom frame shop, most people just order their s*** online and drop off so basically the buildings a waste of space
Someone please post this as a thread
She really f***s the doll bro
! I basically have the same as the most popular d***
Hoping driving on a flat didn’t damage the car any further the time I took was 5 minutes at most
I’m only this much shambolics cause I never had this happen before so idk what to expect
Estimation 1 hour until tow arrives
u cant just pop the spare on?
I don’t have one
hope ur tow gets there quickly
Still h****
Hoping driving on a flat didn’t damage the car any further the time I took was 5 minutes at most
You should be good bro. People drive on bare ass rims without knowing it sometimes without damaging the car
misse the days of doing customer service at home
busting a nut while on the job>>>
Someone please post this as a thread
She really f***s the doll bro
! at IT about to have a field day with this one