only 2 years late but at least its something. keep them n95s up yall. also OP plz use the correct name, it was changed for a reason.
only 2 years late but at least its something. keep them n95s up yall. also OP plz use the correct name, it was changed for a reason.
Its a different strain than the 2022 version and said to be a whole lot worse
Oh I use PopCrave
they got a meeting going down right now crodie
unlock my thread immediately
Its a different strain than the 2022 version and said to be a whole lot worse
yes I understand but we still aren't using the original (racist) name
Shout out to all them concert tickets I paid for later this year
just go to the concert buddy, people aren’t gonna care about this
they got a meeting going down right now crodie i saw other posts im just f***in wit u
just go to the concert buddy, people aren’t gonna care about this
You thought I wasn't