We need this!
me having this vaccine cycle done for two years because im a hoe
just go to the concert buddy, people aren’t gonna care about this
heads up: when you get mpox you essentially die from the intense pain of rashes and open sores
a reminder btw that this looming mpox pandemic is another crisis caused by imperialism. the Congo is one of the most resource rich countries on earth and due to the underdevelopment of the nation and the extractivist policies of the imperialists and their domestic compradors, none of that wealth is funneled into developing health care, decent shelter, or proper sanitation systems. and due to the imperialist-backed war in the east, a massive flood of rural refugees are now living in Goma, where the main outbreak is currently taking place.
a reminder btw that this looming mpox pandemic is another crisis caused by imperialism. the Congo is one of the most resource rich countries on earth and due to the underdevelopment of the nation and the extractivist policies of the imperialists and their domestic compradors, none of that wealth is funneled into developing health care, decent shelter, or proper sanitation systems. and due to the imperialist-backed war in the east, a massive flood of rural refugees are now living in Goma, where the main outbreak is currently taking place.
finished How Europe Underdeveloped Africa today, I think the next time I see a Frenchman or a Brit or a German or a Portugal the man or a Spaniard I might punch them in the face on general principle. I might leave bite marks on any Belgian I might meet too
Isn’t this spread primarily through things like s***and sharing needles?
it can be spread through any direct physical contact
it can be spread through any direct physical contact
No touching, I find it disgusting
heads up: when you get mpox you essentially die from the intense pain of rashes and open sores
I’ve gotten malaria visiting home in Africa, we gone be ight
me having this vaccine cycle done for two years because im a hoe
same and Gay!
damn are we gonna have another lock down?
Job fire me so I can collect unemployment
We gonna have to get another Fauci Ouchi?
you had better. the US government for now is refusing to dip into its massive reserves of smallpox vaccine.
Just know I’m snitching
I got advised on COVID and pretty much any other mass viral spread event by a virologist
He told me to follow Dr. Sebi and bleach the counters for 3 mins. I ain't even catch a cold during COVID
I got advised on COVID and pretty much any other mass viral spread event by a virologist
He told me to follow Dr. Sebi and bleach the counters for 3 mins. I ain't even catch a cold during COVID
Yea I didn’t get sick for 3 years just following the guidelines
I got advised on COVID and pretty much any other mass viral spread event by a virologist
He told me to follow Dr. Sebi and bleach the counters for 3 mins. I ain't even catch a cold during COVID
This, and having a bottle of hand sanitizer in my car changed my life lmao
I got advised on COVID and pretty much any other mass viral spread event by a virologist
He told me to follow Dr. Sebi and bleach the counters for 3 mins. I ain't even catch a cold during COVID
From what I understand, surface contact infection was actually incredibly rare, so most of that bleaching/disinfecting was unnecessary.