I'm 77 rn and this experience already trumps TBC
Tbc back in the day was peak gaming
Karazhan, ZA, hyjal, black temple, all f***ing amazing
F*** serpent shrine caverns and tempest keep. We almost beat archimonde but never even beat a single boss in either of those dungeons
Tbc back in the day was peak gaming
Karazhan, ZA, hyjal, black temple, all f***ing amazing
F*** serpent shrine caverns and tempest keep. We almost beat archimonde but never even beat a single boss in either of those dungeons
Hated that serpent shrine dungeon with all my heart when i still played wow
Hated that serpent shrine dungeon with all my heart when i still played wow
The first boss u needed full resistance gear (can't remember what element) which took months to farm
The second boss the giant fish required insane coordination
Never even tried the other bosses
Dont get me started on tempest keep. We barely made it thru the first trash waves
Pretty much every expansion is exponentially easier than the last
Thank God they made it super easy and boring. I was about to devote my entire life to this game then pandaria dropped
Pretty much every expansion is exponentially easier than the last
Thank God they made it super easy and boring. I was about to devote my entire life to this game then pandaria dropped
Its funny because I started playing wow in late WOTLK early cataclysm era and I witnessed the game becoming even more of an empty shell throughout the years WoD and Legion were painful
Tried WoW classic for a while and had so much fun with it, more than I probably ever did in current day wow
Its funny because I started playing wow in late WOTLK early cataclysm era and I witnessed the game becoming even more of an empty shell throughout the years WoD and Legion were painful
Tried WoW classic for a while and had so much fun with it, more than I probably ever did in current day wow
yea i stopped at pandaria, just kinda got tired of the grinding. but god damn that s*** was fun back in the day, was a resto/elemental shaman it was so cool cus resto was overpowered as s***
Its obvious they screwed up making the game more accessible. they should have kept it like before where the hardest content is pretty much impossible and the easier s*** is still challenging. The lfg raids also f***ed things up cus by the time u were actually doing the raids u were geared enough to basically clear it on normal mode
died at 20
i remember one time i died in felwood as a level 10 an literally had to create a new character
Tempted to start a HC run, but the sun is out and I don't wanna become a hermit
i remember one time i died in felwood as a level 10 an literally had to create a new character
felwood at 10
died at 59
level 60 has been achieved. challenge completed, no appeals. good timing as PTR drops today anyway lol.
wont raid wont play official
idk bro it looks really bad like a cheap arcade game mode
idk bro it looks really bad like a cheap arcade game mode
youre buggin guy
Runes are sick, new Raids, better progression system, WPVP
wow is back,
youre buggin guy
Runes are sick, new Raids, better progression system, WPVP
wow is back,
minor class changes, balances fixes, new zones/raids is what most people meant with classic+ instead they imported retail abilities bricked every role/class and increased the HP pools of bfd bosses