minor class changes, balances fixes, new zones/raids is what most people meant with classic+ instead they imported retail abilities bricked every role/class and increased the HP pools of bfd bosses
its level 25 bro, also its not all imported retail skills. they confirmed that they got 100+ runes.
classic was always bricked af, Warr was always OP, Priests were the best healers... etc etc
being a Ret Pally, despite it being created for classic, wasnt viable at all. Now you can be.
its not just BFD, they already teased new Karazhan, GM, SM raids, new loot...
i get what you mean tho, new zones would be nice. We're stepping in the right direction, blizz can suck my fat cock but they always been slow af with this stuff. Im shocked that this is even coming in a couple weeks tbh.
I guess theyre testing the waters... knowing full well Classic is poppin off more than Retail.
its level 25 bro, also its not all imported retail skills. they confirmed that they got 100+ runes.
classic was always bricked af, Warr was always OP, Priests were the best healers... etc etc
being a Ret Pally, despite it being created for classic, wasnt viable at all. Now you can be.
its not just BFD, they already teased new Karazhan, GM, SM raids, new loot...
i get what you mean tho, new zones would be nice. We're stepping in the right direction, blizz can suck my fat cock but they always been slow af with this stuff. Im shocked that this is even coming in a couple weeks tbh.
I guess theyre testing the waters... knowing full well Classic is poppin off more than Retail.
How you feeling bout it?
i like it a lot so far, cool they are doing something different
we'll see if it has staying power tho
also I won my very first game
once u get full pre-raid bis theres really no reason to login more than once a week to do the raids this is why HC is superior
if they made a version of this game where u could skip leveling and go straight to raiding id definitely play again
destruction warlock so cheese in mythic+ lol
this mostly what all i been playin past month
if they made a version of this game where u could skip leveling and go straight to raiding id definitely play again
thats almost exactly what retail is
thats almost exactly what retail is
Oh god
My life will be over if I start playing again
Are the raids bs or is it like tbc/wotlk
this is really fun man
i’m still using a free account and just got off tutorial place just running around
gonna play out my runescape subscription then get one for this
this is really fun man
i’m still using a free account and just got off tutorial place just running around
gonna play out my runescape subscription then get one for this
which version are u playing
which version are u playing
retail since that’s the one on the free trial
i really want to do dragonflight
Oh god
My life will be over if I start playing again
Are the raids bs or is it like tbc/wotlk
crine never realized u asked a question here
the raids (and class rotations) are far more complex and probably more engaging over a longer period of time for that reason but the story and art is more disneylike and you need addons/weakauras in order to do well. retail is also not as linearly progressed like tbc where you gear up through gruul / mag / kara > ssc etc. instead there are seasons and at the start of each season progress gets basically reset and through significant catch-up mechanics everyone can get started on the new raid and not visit the previous ones. not an "epic" feeling of encountering a boss anymore moreso everything is performance focused (skill creep) so its a matter of taste