cool man have fun personally i play classic hardcore mostly these days
i may do classic it’s mroe so what my friend wants to do more since we gonna play for the first time ever together
crine never realized u asked a question here
the raids (and class rotations) are far more complex and probably more engaging over a longer period of time for that reason but the story and art is more disneylike and you need addons/weakauras in order to do well. retail is also not as linearly progressed like tbc where you gear up through gruul / mag / kara > ssc etc. instead there are seasons and at the start of each season progress gets basically reset and through significant catch-up mechanics everyone can get started on the new raid and not visit the previous ones. not an "epic" feeling of encountering a boss anymore moreso everything is performance focused (skill creep) so its a matter of taste
Hmm sounds like its more accessible but still fun, that makes sense because it used to take months to gear up for the nost recent raids, i can appreciate that, tbh rn in having so much fun playing other free games, probably wont come back to wow atleast for a while
Hardcore WoW (World of Warcraft) has become a beloved experience for many players, offering a unique and thrilling gameplay mode within the larger WoW universe. What makes it so appealing are several key aspects that provide a sense of challenge, immersion, and nostalgia for veteran players:
1. High Stakes and Tension
Permadeath: In Hardcore mode, if your character dies, it’s gone forever. This high-stakes environment creates an intense sense of tension and urgency when playing, where every encounter, quest, or enemy poses a real threat. The fear of losing everything adds a layer of excitement that regular WoW gameplay doesn’t have.
Careful Decision-Making: Players must think critically and make careful decisions, as one wrong move can result in their character’s permanent death. This heightened sense of risk encourages strategic gameplay, thoughtful resource management, and more cautious exploration.
2. Increased Immersion and Emotional Investment
Character Attachment: Because players know their character could die permanently at any time, there is a deeper emotional investment. Players tend to care much more about their character's progression, making every level-up, quest completed, or boss defeated feel like a significant accomplishment.
Roleplaying and Storytelling: Hardcore WoW brings out a lot of storytelling potential. Many players develop personal narratives for their characters, and the fear of death makes them feel more like a living, breathing part of the game world. It enhances the RPG experience because it adds weight to the player’s actions.
3. Challenging Gameplay
Difficulty and Risk: Unlike the regular WoW experience, where players can often recover from mistakes or setbacks, Hardcore mode has a constant threat of permanent loss. The challenge comes not just from the difficulty of enemies or quests but from managing risks at all times, pushing players to think about each step carefully.
Slow Progression: Since players are more cautious, progress in Hardcore mode tends to be slower, but that makes each achievement feel more meaningful. The thrill of reaching a new level or overcoming a tough boss is heightened because it took more time and effort.
4. Sense of Community
Shared Experiences: Hardcore WoW fosters a unique sense of camaraderie among players who share in the struggle. While it can be a solo experience, many Hardcore players form communities, share strategies, and celebrate their achievements together. Social aspects, like trading gear or sharing tips, are enhanced by the knowledge that death could come at any time.
Streamer and Viewer Engagement: The mode has also become a popular part of streaming culture, with players broadcasting their Hardcore adventures. The community aspect is amplified as viewers root for their favorite streamers and share in the collective excitement when a character survives or tragically dies.
5. Nostalgia and Classic Experience
Old-School Feel: Hardcore WoW harkens back to an older, more punishing version of the game. For players who started with Classic WoW or those who miss the more challenging days of vanilla WoW, this mode brings back the sense of danger and accomplishment that was once a hallmark of the game.
No Modern Convenience: Hardcore WoW typically eschews some of the conveniences added in later expansions (e.g., flying mounts, more forgiving death mechanics), which helps recreate that raw, unforgiving experience that players loved in the early days.
6. Player Agency and Unique Stories
No Safety Nets: Without the safety net of a resurrection mechanic (or a chance to revive through a dungeon), players must rely on their own skills, strategies, and the game's systems. This kind of “survival of the fittest” creates some truly unique stories about character death and victory.
Challenging the Meta: Hardcore players often come up with their own “meta,” ways of approaching the game that differ from the standard practices in regular WoW. They might play classes that are considered less optimal or use unconventional strategies, and this adds a layer of creativity to the game.
7. Long-Term Replayability
New Goals with Every Run: Even when players reach the max level or complete the main Hardcore objectives, they often start new characters, trying to reach further milestones or overcome new challenges. This mode encourages constant replays, with the excitement of seeing how long you can keep a character alive adding to the replayability.
Personal Bests and Records: For many, the goal becomes reaching new milestones—surviving longer, beating tougher bosses, or completing harder dungeons. Hardcore WoW turns every run into a potential personal best, giving players motivation to keep improving.
8. Bringing Back the Sense of Discovery
Exploring the World: Without the safety of easy respawns or teleportation, players are more likely to explore every corner of the world. There’s a thrill in stumbling upon new zones, dungeons, or rare mobs because each new discovery feels like a small victory, and getting there without dying feels like an even bigger one.
they need to bring back ALL THE RAIDS
i wanna do SSC and TK for like 6 months str8
Reddit kept recommending me livestreamfails and this piratesoftware drama might be the funniest thing.
I aint ever seen so many streamers and people go after one person for making a simple mistake.
man could have said, "my bad," and it would be all over
Reddit kept recommending me livestreamfails and this piratesoftware drama might be the funniest thing.
I aint ever seen so many streamers and people go after one person for making a simple mistake.
man could have said, "my bad," and it would be all over
the ego is insane just say sorry
the ego is insane just say sorry
This s*** would have blown over if he would just own up to it but he wont. This shouldnt even be that big of a f***ing deal because at the end of the day its just a video games.
Now streamers are clicking up like the avengers at the end of endgame to s*** on him. Only person in his corner is asmongold.
This is being memed as the reverse leroy jenkins had me flying.
one of my friends said he’d play wow with me if i got level 60 on black desert but now somehow his account got put on japanese servers and it deleted all his characters and it won’t let him change back
meaning i don’t have to play that mod now we can finally play wow for the first time together
This s*** would have blown over if he would just own up to it but he wont. This shouldnt even be that big of a f***ing deal because at the end of the day its just a video games.
Now streamers are clicking up like the avengers at the end of endgame to s*** on him. Only person in his corner is asmongold.
This is being memed as the reverse leroy jenkins had me flying.
its so funny cause he didnt do anything illegal or otherwise detestable its just pvre old school video game rage
funniest part to me is how its so clearly an ego thing he literally hovers over two items that would give him mana after saying he has no mana then chooses not to use them he KNOWS hes wrong but HAS to double down
its so funny cause he didnt do anything illegal or otherwise detestable its just pvre old school video game rage
funniest part to me is how its so clearly an ego thing he literally hovers over two items that would give him mana after saying he has no mana then chooses not to use them he KNOWS hes wrong but HAS to double down
They gkicked him
Reddit kept recommending me livestreamfails and this piratesoftware drama might be the funniest thing.
I aint ever seen so many streamers and people go after one person for making a simple mistake.
man could have said, "my bad," and it would be all over
i’m so confused on wtf happened
i’m so confused on wtf happened
The Incident:
A 5-man group from the OnlyFangs guild, including streamer PirateSoftware (Jason Thor Hall), accidentally pulled too many enemies in the dungeon.
The group decided to flee rather than fight, a common strategy in Hardcore WoW.
Two level 60 characters died during the escape attempt, resulting in permanent loss due to Hardcore mode rules.
The Controversy:
PirateSoftware was accused of not using his Mage abilities effectively to help the group escape.
Critics pointed out that he had a Mana Gem and another item to restore mana but didn't use either, and instead cast Blink and Ice Barrier on himself as he ran out leaving his group behind.
Debate erupted over whether PirateSoftware could have saved his teammates if he had intervened differently
PirateSoftware's Twitch channel was flooded with critics and trolls, leading him to ban over 2,500 people.
The streamer maintained that he didn't have enough mana to help effectively.
The controversy escalated, with PirateSoftware "quadrupling down" on his stance and going on to say he and his moderator staff are sending reports directly back to people working at Blizzard whom he knows from his time working there.
On January 15, 2025, PirateSoftware was kicked from the OnlyFangs guild.
Sodapoppin, the guild leader, explained that many guild members felt uncomfortable playing with PirateSoftware after the incident and that PirateSoftware saying on his Twitch channel that his staff are reporting other streamers to Twitch for egging on the drama was the final straw.
The Incident:
A 5-man group from the OnlyFangs guild, including streamer PirateSoftware (Jason Thor Hall), accidentally pulled too many enemies in the dungeon.
The group decided to flee rather than fight, a common strategy in Hardcore WoW.
Two level 60 characters died during the escape attempt, resulting in permanent loss due to Hardcore mode rules.
The Controversy:
PirateSoftware was accused of not using his Mage abilities effectively to help the group escape.
Critics pointed out that he had a Mana Gem and another item to restore mana but didn't use either, and instead cast Blink and Ice Barrier on himself as he ran out leaving his group behind.
Debate erupted over whether PirateSoftware could have saved his teammates if he had intervened differently
PirateSoftware's Twitch channel was flooded with critics and trolls, leading him to ban over 2,500 people.
The streamer maintained that he didn't have enough mana to help effectively.
The controversy escalated, with PirateSoftware "quadrupling down" on his stance and going on to say he and his moderator staff are sending reports directly back to people working at Blizzard whom he knows from his time working there.
On January 15, 2025, PirateSoftware was kicked from the OnlyFangs guild.
Sodapoppin, the guild leader, explained that many guild members felt uncomfortable playing with PirateSoftware after the incident and that PirateSoftware saying on his Twitch channel that his staff are reporting other streamers to Twitch for egging on the drama was the final straw.
honestly it seems ridiculous the way people treating it but also i’ve heard it takes so long to level up and if you’re doing a group thing while streaming and you don’t even attempt to help i can see how annoying and mad that could make someone
I was mroe confused because i saw people on twitter getting mad at him for interviewing asmon so i assumed it had something to do with that
honestly it seems ridiculous the way people treating it but also i’ve heard it takes so long to level up and if you’re doing a group thing while streaming and you don’t even attempt to help i can see how annoying and mad that could make someone
I was mroe confused because i saw people on twitter getting mad at him for interviewing asmon so i assumed it had something to do with that
yeah thats like probably 150-300 hours gone for those guys who died but really the main issue is not that he played poorly or even that he left his team but its his attitude throughout the whole thing
as he had left his team behind and ran out he was asked to come back, but then responded very condescendingly "look at my mana what do you want me to do for you?"
almost immediately after saying this though you could see him realize in real-time that he actually has tools available to him (mana gem and a certain cloak he has equipped) that would restore his mana thus enabling him to help, and he hovers his mouse over them...but then decides not to use them because presumably he doesnt want to admit he was wrong/played poorly. this is just 1 example of many where a misplay and poor attitude happened in the situation which was very short but full of moments like these
as of today he still interprets the situation as him being unfairly and entirely blamed for the situation when in reality everyone acknowledges mistakes were made by the entire group, its just that his attitude is awful and hes accepting practically no responsibility
furthermore his online persona is being this super-experienced WoW guy who worked on the game for 7 years and knows it inside and out and frequently expounds from a position of wisdom, experience, and certainty about all things
asmongold is the one single person ive seen take his side though lol
yeah thats like probably 150-300 hours gone for those guys who died but really the main issue is not that he played poorly or even that he left his team but its his attitude throughout the whole thing
as he had left his team behind and ran out he was asked to come back, but then responded very condescendingly "look at my mana what do you want me to do for you?"
almost immediately after saying this though you could see him realize in real-time that he actually has tools available to him (mana gem and a certain cloak he has equipped) that would restore his mana thus enabling him to help, and he hovers his mouse over them...but then decides not to use them because presumably he doesnt want to admit he was wrong/played poorly. this is just 1 example of many where a misplay and poor attitude happened in the situation which was very short but full of moments like these
as of today he still interprets the situation as him being unfairly and entirely blamed for the situation when in reality everyone acknowledges mistakes were made by the entire group, its just that his attitude is awful and hes accepting practically no responsibility
furthermore his online persona is being this super-experienced WoW guy who worked on the game for 7 years and knows it inside and out and frequently expounds from a position of wisdom, experience, and certainty about all things
asmongold is the one single person ive seen take his side though lol
thsts crazy yeah this dude sucks
i’ve legit only found out about him like last week from a esfand video of him taking the pirate dude to a wow themed football game whole time i thought this dude seems annoying because he brought up the working on wow thing as you said
i’m still in between on playing classic or retail
i really just want to know which is the best solo since i don’t expect my friends to play too too often
i’m still in between on playing classic or retail
i really just want to know which is the best solo since i don’t expect my friends to play too too often
ive played this game since the burning crusade and put a lot of hours into every version of it, however when classic came out in 2019 i only made it to level 55 or so before quitting out of boredom, leveling in classic wow is quite reptitive and monotonous
ive also quit retail multiple times over gripes with the games direction, particularly pvp - also cause all of my friends who played have quit. retail today is more a seasonal action-RPG where the game really "begins" once you hit max level and start grinding endgame content (higher difficulty dungeons, raids, pvp) rather than an MMO like classic wow where leveling is the majority of the experience and endgame content while present makes up a much smaller part of the game
my love for the game was rekindled and my attitude rejuvenated when i tried hardcore wow for the first time (before Hardcore was released as an official game mode it was played through a community addon) and it was the best gaming experience ive had since being a kid basically
hardcore SSF (solo self-found, meaning you cant trade or use the auction house or ask other players for help) was the perfect game mode and challenge for me as it meant i could play entirely solo and on my own schedule. i was doing a challenge which kept me engaged enough, but not competing with anyone else but myself which kept it from being overwhelming
one of the big things about retail wow (at least used to be, they've changed it now) was the weekly reset for raids and rewards meant you had to do certain chores each week or fall behind - but on hardcore you are playing entirely by your own schedule.
hardcore also made the world feel alive and immersive again in a way that i hadnt experienced in many years because having only one life introduced the possibility of actual failure, which meant you had to pay attention to what quests and mobs and routes you took. and for me this also addressed my complaints about the repition and monotonous nature of leveling.
being SSF and only being able to do each dungeon ONE time also meant that each single piece of gear upgrade felt incredibly rewarding
the social aspect was also renewed because even though its a solo challenge, everyone around you is doing the same thing so its like you're all on these little individual journeys together - when a player died, he would often make a new character with the same name and join the same guild and this way you could follow along with people and see how they were doing, if they died, how fast they are leveling etc. and make friends purely through chatting even if you werent grouped up playing together
most people today on the official hardcore servers do not play SSF, they just play with the 1 life rule which means they can still group up and play together and use the auction house etc which is also fine
so my recommendation would be classic hardcore but obviously you can see im quite biased, personally i dont enjoy regular classic (because leveling without the risk of failure is not engaging enough as ive done the leveling so many times) or retail anymore but theres many wow players who do not enjoy hardcore at all and for a new player it might be not as enjoyable - i made my girl play it, she got to level 9 died and then cried for like 2 hours and said never again
if you want a faster pace, higher skill ceiling and cool and complex raid encounters and competition id say go for retail if you want to level and chill and chat and be immersed in an MMO world try classic
both games can be played entirely solo though (basically)
in classic you can just play literally by yourself the entire way up to 60... and then if you want to do dungeons or raid then you'll have to make friends/join a guild/ask to join a pick up group etc
in retail you can play without having to interact with others because you can queue up for dungeons, raids and arena (pvp) be automatically placed in a group and the content is scaled to be done without communication
if you want to perform higher level difficulty content in retail you'll need to be speaking with other players though
i’m so confused on wtf happened
pirate software comes off as a very pretentious, smartest guy in the room, big ego having nerd kinda personality
this was the fuel to ignite everyone that thought something was off with the guy and jump on his head like a goomba
despite clearly being at fault he still had gone days taking no accountability and blaming others. which is just the worst personality to have.
both games can be played entirely solo though (basically)
in classic you can just play literally by yourself the entire way up to 60... and then if you want to do dungeons or raid then you'll have to make friends/join a guild/ask to join a pick up group etc
in retail you can play without having to interact with others because you can queue up for dungeons, raids and arena (pvp) be automatically placed in a group and the content is scaled to be done without communication
if you want to perform higher level difficulty content in retail you'll need to be speaking with other players though
hmm i’m gonna talk to my friend about it too because he said he somewhat wants to play
i already got to level 20 during the f2p thing on retail and really enjoyed it but it felt so fast getting to even that
anytime i watch classic it always looks fun and way more chill if i went with that though id probably play non hardcore at first because i know id die so fast then drop it