need to get this song into the Cloud just for its comedic value
this song is just such a disaster class, every single line it gets worse
“Drake is no name you’ll see on no s***offender list, easy does it”
and nigga wants a ROUND 2?
Nigga I listened to the song after the heart part 6 how is it a mis a***ysis of the song
I never got that I feel like the fanto dude said it and y’all ran with jt
this song was a***yzed way before Fantano, Drake was wrong and the meaning of the song flew over his head
this song was a***yzed way before Fantano, Drake was wrong and the meaning of the song flew over his head
buddy is dumb as s***
this song was a***yzed way before Fantano, Drake was wrong and the meaning of the song flew over his head
I don't think it matters if Drake understood it or didn't. The only ammo he had were lies lol
Randomly thought it today:
Pull your contract 'cause we gotta see the split
The way you doin' splits, b****, your pants might rip
This is God awful
I’m mad at myself for clicking play on this: they almost had me wit the club beat
Randomly thought it today:
Pull your contract 'cause we gotta see the split
The way you doin' splits, b****, your pants might rip
This is God awful
Yeah this was ass. Honestly Drake had some good bars in his disses but he had his worst bars directed at Kendrick lol another reason why he took the L
this song was a***yzed way before Fantano, Drake was wrong and the meaning of the song flew over his head
Kendrick is saying they thought he was touched but he wasn’t
Drake is Saying you actually were touched
What a***ysis is that
buddy is dumb as s***
U gotta be one of the lamest niggas on here lmao
U talk s*** online but afraid to quote someone cause ima just call u a nerd
Hey Sandra and Dennis your son is not nice
You can always spot a substance and most likely p***-addicted poster when they trivialize what Kenny says in MtG. He perfectly deconstructed Drake’s image and anyone with a mature personality sees it.
Randomly thought it today:
Pull your contract 'cause we gotta see the split
The way you doin' splits, b****, your pants might rip
This is God awful
Love that Kendrick’s response was essentially “right back at you” and that was the last of Drake pushing that angle.
I get Ye loves supporting terrible people but that “can’t stop won’t stop, I just f***ed your b**** in a Sean John tank top” is so corny to say after Diddy’s lawsuits and accusations on purpose
Nothing cool and edgy about quoting an alleged rapist’s poorly aged catchphrase
f*** bro, just get a new flow already