You're an idiot if you think Habits and Contradicts was bad
Bro stop the f***in gimmick for once and give some decent opinions. It's just wack at this point. We all know you're pretending to be some "gangster" but you're not.
comus the most notorious answer
It sold 140k first week and got positive reviews
But it was seen as a creative misstep and Jay definitely caught flack for the singles.
That's why they did the Streets Is Watching movie/soundtrack. They knew they had lost some traction with fans.
Absolutely amazing album
Look at this thread man, just plain disrespect
absolutely nutzo album crazy tracks super relevant the day it come out all the way up until today and for the foreseeable future unfortunately love this one great lyricism great beats and the poppy songs aren't bad at all
Not a sophomores but.....
Chris Brown - Graffiti gotta be 1 of the worst albums ever made
nah, the numbers didn't do it justice but the quality was still good. slept on, I loved it.
But it was seen as a creative misstep and Jay definitely caught flack for the singles.
That's why they did the Streets Is Watching movie/soundtrack. They knew they had lost some traction with fans.
Okay but that has nothing to do with the criteria of OP
How is it a failure if it sold well and most people liked it
Definitely The Big Day
although he has a bunch of projects before, that is considered his debut
absolutely nutzo album crazy tracks super relevant the day it come out all the way up until today and for the foreseeable future unfortunately love this one great lyricism great beats and the poppy songs aren't bad at all
yup, completely agree. Completely slept on album bro. Can't understand why anyone would hate on it, you;re right too. EVERY subject on it extremely relevant at this day and age. If he had released it like a few months ago everyone would be praisin him
Joey extremely underrated and it sucks because he got some real s*** to say to everyone...
Ghostface the only WU member to put out more than 2 good solos not counting OB4CL2
nah, the numbers didn't do it justice but the quality was still good. slept on, I loved it.
It didn't hold together as an me tho. It just seemed like a collection of songs. Not connected in anyway thematically.
All.of Banks.albums feel that way. His first 1 just had a super strong collection of songs.
6ix9ine had the worst sophomore album in recent history. What are some other failed 2nd albums?
and also 6ix9ine isn't even an artist anymore to me, he's an IG influencer at most
that's not fair lol he died
Absolutely amazing album
Look at this thread man, just plain disrespect
AABA/Joey disrespect needs to stop!