we f***ed then she started yelling at a guy on the phone that "owed" her money and then called up her dealer to buy coke after she got the money and started venting how she would f*** for money if she didn't value herself. i couldn't stay hard anymore but she forced me to f*** then i dipped after i busted again
What's that do
Keep your d*** hard for an extended period of time without the mental pressure to keep hard
Had s***with my ex’s mom the flirting back and forth was fun but the p**** stank not the greatest experience if I’m being honest
Had s***with my ex’s mom the flirting back and forth was fun but the p**** stank not the greatest experience if I’m being honest
Had s***with my ex’s mom the flirting back and forth was fun but the p**** stank not the greatest experience if I’m being honest
“Yo mommas p**** stank” gotta be the funniest comeback if y’all ever get into it
Smashed a hoe for 30 minutes just to get soft and my s*** being able to stand up
Got kicked out after that
Getting kicked out LMFAOOO
IDK that feeling
I think the worst one is when you dont get none.
Though sometimes it turns out for the best
not mine but this s*** BAD
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrFt-zlpEoA&pp=ygUQcXVlZW4gcm9ndWUgcG9vcA%3D%3DThe S*** was bad?
Used to be a server
Bagged a bad dark skin with a flat stomach and the juiciest of booties while she was at a bar table with her friends
Took her to out after putting in some with the text game
Got some drinks then I f***ed her in the back seat of my Benz and it was fire
Then she wanted to go to her crib so we did
We smoked and I got high asf then I went to eat her p**** and she aggressively shoved my nose into her pelvis repeatedly
The bridge of my nose was dead ass sore
I was tight and I got limp after that and couldn’t get back up
I dipped and we ain’t speak again after that
Like grabbed the back of my head with all her strength and mushed my face in her p****
living vicariously through yall itt
Glad I’m not the only virgin on here 😔
We f***in our hands, we don’t need women
Used to be a server
Bagged a bad dark skin with a flat stomach and the juiciest of booties while she was at a bar table with her friends
Took her to out after putting in some with the text game
Got some drinks then I f***ed her in the back seat of my Benz and it was fire
Then she wanted to go to her crib so we did
We smoked and I got high asf then I went to eat her p**** and she aggressively shoved my nose into her pelvis repeatedly
The bridge of my nose was dead ass sore
I was tight and I got limp after that and couldn’t get back up
I dipped and we ain’t speak again after that
Like grabbed the back of my head with all her strength and mushed my face in her p****
Sounds like my typa girl I don’t see the issue here
I think the worst one is when you dont get none.
Though sometimes it turns out for the best
The worst is having bad sex.
Personally I went from virgin to a string of bad s***back to back for a while and it mad s***kinda depressing. Was deadass happier as a virgin compared to when I first was sexually active.
Went deep in a girl too early and it hurt her too much and we stopped. She was bad af too that was the worst part I feel like I’ve had worse experiences like not getting up due to being coked out or too drunk but that one stuck out to me.
Jeez man put the tip in first at least