  • i always thought i hated my 🐱 being rubbed on because most men DJ on it, same with being fingered. s***in general wasn’t particularly something i was fond of, i just did it because i thought thats what i needed to do to keep someone happy.

    i vented about it to one of my moms friends and she told me to never let a man touch me again until i figure out what i like when im alone otherwise its basically letting a man use me to ejaculate. tbh i didn’t really want that advice from her but she was right.

  • SlicedSpam

    Was getting head from this one girl, I forced her head down too hard and back of her tooth cut my frenulum

    drew blood for a week

    This hurt to read wtf

  • Was messin around with this girl I wasn’t feeling back in the day

    I wasn’t c*******from some sucky action, so she got on top and started grinding her c*** on me really hard, but she had shaved not too recently, so the pubes were basically scraping my d***, which made it take even longer for me to c***
    Fast forward a decent amount of time with her doing that and I eventually came, but my whole shaft was red and sore af from all that scraping lmao

  • ryuH

    Used to be a server

    Bagged a bad dark skin with a flat stomach and the juiciest of booties while she was at a bar table with her friends

    Took her to out after putting in some with the text game

    Got some drinks then I f***ed her in the back seat of my Benz and it was fire

    Then she wanted to go to her crib so we did

    We smoked and I got high asf then I went to eat her p**** and she aggressively shoved my nose into her pelvis repeatedly

    The bridge of my nose was dead ass sore

    I was tight and I got limp after that and couldn’t get back up

    I dipped and we ain’t speak again after that

    Like grabbed the back of my head with all her strength and mushed my face in her p****


    What’s the issue

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    were u with the ex at the time? u really were getting your steve on

    No I believe it was a couple months after or so I was young af

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    Had a great story I typed up like last year in somebody else thread but that s*** was down bad lmao

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    my 2nd GF used to give me aggresive head everytime, her teeth would scrape the f*** out of me everytime

  • Farting while getting that sloppy

  • Apr 7
    3 replies

    Trynna go down on a girl smelt bad and tasted like pennies, I tried to power through but gagged and she got embarrassed so we stopped and she cried

  • Apr 7

    so you squirted?

  • SlicedSpam

    Was getting head from this one girl, I forced her head down too hard and back of her tooth cut my frenulum

    drew blood for a week


  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    Her period suddenly happening

    name to post

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    name to post


    Got me thinking. “Damn p**** extra wet”

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    One time encounter with the task rabbit lady

    I was just down bad during that time and liked how she reminded me of my ex-wife. Later on we got drunk and tried to pressure me into condomless sex. We went down on each other and I didn’t really enjoy it.

    Thinking back I think I got sexually assaulted, spoke to my therapist about it and everything but that f***ed me up

  • Apr 7
    1 reply

    when my hand gets tired and i have to switch hands

    😂😂 don't hit the same huh

  • Apr 7

    Was my third year of college, had a longterm on/off girlfriend since high school. Never had s***before because we never really had the opportunity. My uncle's funeral was 4 hours away, my family went but I stayed (had a test, may have been able to get out of it if I tried though). Fetched her at college, brought her back to my house

    We eat some takeout pizza. I put a series on. We start hooking up, giving each other head. She makes me cum. But I had a headache and had been feeling nauseous all day. Eventually I throw up in the sink. She helps clean it up. We cuddle in bed, I fall asleep for a few hours. We have limited time before I need to drop her off. We try oral again, but I'm struggling to stay hard long enough to put a condom on. I try putting lube on her p**** but it's the tingling kind and it burned her

    Eventually we decide f*** the condom, let's just try raw. But I still can't get hard (nausea and I jerked off that morning, plus came from head earlier). Put the tip in but my s*** jelly. We realize that it's not happening, she takes it personally and cries. Don't know what to say to her, I'm feeling ashamed myself. Drop her off

    Continued dating for a while after this but we never brought this night up again

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Apr 7

    this colombian girl got me high off some hard hash and put on 36 chambers on loud volume while dry humping me, I was so immersed into the music and also getting dizzy as f*** that I couldn't get hard, had to go to the bathroom and nearly puked because of the high that turned into nausea

  • Apr 7
    1 reply


    Got me thinking. “Damn p**** extra wet”

    You powered through tho right?

  • Apr 7

    Used to be a server

    Bagged a bad dark skin with a flat stomach and the juiciest of booties while she was at a bar table with her friends

    Took her to out after putting in some with the text game

    Got some drinks then I f***ed her in the back seat of my Benz and it was fire

    Then she wanted to go to her crib so we did

    We smoked and I got high asf then I went to eat her p**** and she aggressively shoved my nose into her pelvis repeatedly

    The bridge of my nose was dead ass sore

    I was tight and I got limp after that and couldn’t get back up

    I dipped and we ain’t speak again after that

    Like grabbed the back of my head with all her strength and mushed my face in her p****


    Thread says "Worst", not "Best" Used to drive me crazy while I was down there and my ex would grip my dreads

  • Apr 7
    1 reply
    V I

    😂😂 don't hit the same huh

  • Apr 7

    I take a breather fr, can't handle a mediocre nut

  • V I

    You powered through tho right?


  • Urameshii

    No I believe it was a couple months after or so I was young af

  • Sell

    Had a great story I typed up like last year in somebody else thread but that s*** was down bad lmao

  • sandshrew

    my 2nd GF used to give me aggresive head everytime, her teeth would scrape the f*** out of me everytime
