  • May 27, 2021
    2 replies
    Saint Aquinas

    Eminem and Redman do not have the same flow

    So he took the style of rapping Rakim created and used the same substance. It's jacking. Yet yall dont have a problem with it.

    So does Eminem yet you have an issue with Eminem being influenced by other rappers

    Eminem and Redman arent even from the same era. Redman came out in the early 90s. Eminem blew up in the early 2000s and is from the late 90s-early 00s era like DMX Nelly Jay Z Ludacris Pun and the Lox

    Nasir's second album was literally a carbon copy of the mafioso era in the 90s which is why people shat on it during that time yet none of yall have an issue with it. But a thread about Eminem has all the real rap fans in shambles making nonsensical points

    Jay Z's 3rd album was riding waves yet no1 here has an issue with Jay Z's music.

    Exactly and at the end of the day you show both artists to anyone and they will tel you that the MUSIC sounds different. there is no way around that. Calling it a 'rip off' is beyond me. It's the same thing to pick Kendrick and say it's a Nas or Lupe copycat... just because the artists have similar topics and rhyme patterns.

    Em is a creation of a lot of different influences and that paved the way for him to be unique in that respect

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply


    Redman put out Muddy Waters in December 10th, 1996.
    Exactly one year later on the same date Eminem put out SSEP. :word:

    And he had 2 albums before then. So he came out earlier. Ice cube had an album in 98. Does that mean he didnt come out in the 80s with NWA?

    Muddy Waters isnt even where the main influence of Eminem comes from. Eminem literally had an album out that same year which you ignore. It flopped, he got angry, started making angry raps. That's what happens. You add dots with no logic in between

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Most of those songs like "Role Model" have that quirky/stoner Redman type humor, delivery and punchline style to them.

    "If I Had" and "Rock Bottom" are the two "introspective" songs on the album, but guess what? They are both the same song and say nothing but "woe me I'm so poor" - performative/surface level substance.

    No they dont

    "performative/surface level substance", is not the same as "eminem copied redman. Goalposts moved to discredit. Again, you just want to hate on Eminem and it shows. Did you get these comments from the coli?

  • May 27, 2021
    Baby Goat

    you wanna tell me there's not countless artists from this ERA who have this sound ? c'mon

    True but that album is a classic still

  • May 27, 2021
    2 replies
    Saint Aquinas

    And he had 2 albums before then. So he came out earlier. Ice cube had an album in 98. Does that mean he didnt come out in the 80s with NWA?

    Muddy Waters isnt even where the main influence of Eminem comes from. Eminem literally had an album out that same year which you ignore. It flopped, he got angry, started making angry raps. That's what happens. You add dots with no logic in between

    aNgRy RaPs that magically have the same punchline, rhyme and delivery style as Redman.. starts talking about doing d**** and talking about not giving a f*** just like him.


    Why did he list Redman ahead of Jay, Pac and BIG on "'Til I Collapse"?

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    No they dont

    "performative/surface level substance", is not the same as "eminem copied redman. Goalposts moved to discredit. Again, you just want to hate on Eminem and it shows. Did you get these comments from the coli?

    You're the one who copies threads and posts from The Coli and Boxden

  • May 27, 2021

    Playing Berzerk on a loop would probably be one of the most unsettling experiences you could give to your passengers

    7 min drive, lots of red lights, you've heard Em say that his rhymes on the ra-haaag 3 times already

  • May 27, 2021

    you finna trigger some Russian sleeper agent who’ll strangle you from the backseat

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    Im positive I've listened to all 4 more than you

    Eminem didnt come out in the golden era. You didnt read my point or you just ignored it to continue to spat bullshit. The only one arguing in bad faith is you. It makes sense given you more concerned with namedropping instead of a discussion

    sir, why are you repeating that eminem didn't come out in the golden era of hip hop like that wasn't my entire point from the get go

    Don't you understand the word "response" it usually comes after the fact

    In this case "Eminem is the white response to the golden era"

    That sentence implied he came out later... What part of that don't you get??? 💀 💀 💀

    See this is why I think you're slow

    Everything else in your post doesn't make sense either

    So... do you want me to namedrop diaper brands or sum? Ofc were gonna talk rappers and drop names lmao

    Then you did the typical let's accuse you of what you accuse me of doing (arguing in bad faith and not understanding my point) :literally typed it out word for word

    I don't know who you think you're fooling Durkio but I believe you're really stupid if you thought that would work

    You spend your days on here insulting people's intelligence and quite frankly I don't think you're capable of doing this on purpose.

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    aNgRy RaPs that magically have the same punchline, rhyme and delivery style as Redman.. starts talking about doing d**** and talking about not giving a f*** just like him.


    Why did he list Redman ahead of Jay, Pac and BIG on "'Til I Collapse"?

    "same punchline rhyme and delivery" that is pretty redundant, you have a list of examples? (without reaching) bcz the delivery is for sure different

  • May 27, 2021

    Playing Berzerk on a loop would probably be one of the most unsettling experiences you could give to your passengers

    7 min drive, lots of red lights, you've heard Em say that his rhymes on the ra-haaag 3 times already

    the mixing on that song is straight garbage too

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Baby Goat

    Exactly and at the end of the day you show both artists to anyone and they will tel you that the MUSIC sounds different. there is no way around that. Calling it a 'rip off' is beyond me. It's the same thing to pick Kendrick and say it's a Nas or Lupe copycat... just because the artists have similar topics and rhyme patterns.

    Em is a creation of a lot of different influences and that paved the way for him to be unique in that respect

    "Exactly and at the end of the day you show both artists to anyone and they will tel you that the MUSIC sounds different"

    Lol it didn't to me sooooo

    Have you ran that experiment or is this pure conjecture?

  • May 27, 2021

    "Exactly and at the end of the day you show both artists to anyone and they will tel you that the MUSIC sounds different"

    Lol it didn't to me sooooo

    Have you ran that experiment or is this pure conjecture?

    "Lol it didn't to me sooooo" obviously

    i did showed it to my brother actually and he dead ass said they sound nothing alike, if that counts for anything

    That should be a good experiment tho Let's go on the streets and ask random people that. We can split the revenue from the ytb video

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Baby Goat

    Exactly and at the end of the day you show both artists to anyone and they will tel you that the MUSIC sounds different. there is no way around that. Calling it a 'rip off' is beyond me. It's the same thing to pick Kendrick and say it's a Nas or Lupe copycat... just because the artists have similar topics and rhyme patterns.

    Em is a creation of a lot of different influences and that paved the way for him to be unique in that respect

    they just wanna hate. Man went from saying he copied redman to "ok he made generic songs so....."

  • May 27, 2021

    aNgRy RaPs that magically have the same punchline, rhyme and delivery style as Redman.. starts talking about doing d**** and talking about not giving a f*** just like him.


    Why did he list Redman ahead of Jay, Pac and BIG on "'Til I Collapse"?

    Eminem is a multisyllable style rhymer. Redman didnt invent this. Most rappers from the 90s did this. Redman's rhyme patterns were never intricate like that. His delivery never sounded like Redmans. The only rapper that did that was Masta Ace. Punchlines. No.

    Because the song flowed better when he said that. He named Kurupt. That doesnt mean Kurupt is more influential on Eminem than AZ, Rakim, Geto Boys, treach, or anyone else. Oh yeah it conveniently somehow rhymed in the order of his favorites. Yeah ok

  • May 27, 2021
    2 replies
    Saint Aquinas

    they just wanna hate. Man went from saying he copied redman to "ok he made generic songs so....."

    like there are many valid criticism of Em especially late in his career but this angle of him being a copycap doesn't sit right with me at all, first time i hear it too

  • May 27, 2021
    2 replies

    You're the one who copies threads and posts from The Coli and Boxden

    Or I make multiple threads on multiple websites. That didn't answer my question though. Why are you regurgitating opinions from old black people on the coli Goo? You can fit in without trying to follow trends

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Baby Goat

    like there are many valid criticism of Em especially late in his career but this angle of him being a copycap doesn't sit right with me at all, first time i hear it too

    Which is why they ignored all the examples of other rappers being influenced by other rappers because they know it's a dumb point. Nas used G Raps style on fast life and IWW. Doesnt mean he's a copycat. Post that and they gonna ignore it cause reddit didnt find a counterpoint to that.

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply

    sir, why are you repeating that eminem didn't come out in the golden era of hip hop like that wasn't my entire point from the get go

    Don't you understand the word "response" it usually comes after the fact

    In this case "Eminem is the white response to the golden era"

    That sentence implied he came out later... What part of that don't you get??? 💀 💀 💀

    See this is why I think you're slow

    Everything else in your post doesn't make sense either

    So... do you want me to namedrop diaper brands or sum? Ofc were gonna talk rappers and drop names lmao

    Then you did the typical let's accuse you of what you accuse me of doing (arguing in bad faith and not understanding my point) :literally typed it out word for word

    I don't know who you think you're fooling Durkio but I believe you're really stupid if you thought that would work

    You spend your days on here insulting people's intelligence and quite frankly I don't think you're capable of doing this on purpose.

    Im not replying to the guy that asked "Is nas a hypocrite" for his doja black remarks ever again. You didnt grow up in rap and your posts show it

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Baby Goat

    "same punchline rhyme and delivery" that is pretty redundant, you have a list of examples? (without reaching) bcz the delivery is for sure different

    Eminem got his whole edgy humor and punchline style from Redman bro, that whole being crazy, doing d****, not giving a f***, whippin ppl especially women, saying random outrageous/offensive s*** and so on. That wasn't his real personality that he just happened to put on display.

    "Her p**** walls grabbed my d*** so I'm stuck
    So I burnt that ass from that blunt hash that I lit up
    "Owwwww!!" She jumped up, puffed up, started yellin
    I smacked her, cracked her, put her in a full nelson"

    "I'm not a role model I cracks the Beck's bottle
    Smoke blunts, play pretty MC's as s***models
    So inhale exhale what you smell?
    Derail the frail blind MC off my trail"

    "Shit I'm broke as hell
    I had to buy all my girls fifty-fo'-eleven Reeboks at wholesale"

    "Give em a good reason to open Alcatraz back
    Nobody got the Red shook
    Been a weirdo ever since the doctor said PUSH
    Def Squad skills make it hard to overlook me
    That's why the hardcore promoters still book me"

    "I lit my first L before I started to crawl
    I got my ass whooped when I had my first brawl
    But things changed since I was twelve years old
    I specialize in wreckin' mics and area codes now"

    "Now do I look crazy? Deranged, maybe?
    You shot first, your Glock burst, but it graze me"

    "I been that way since Ike Turner was kickin Tina ass
    Hookers ridin d***, like I'm a motorcycle
    You wanna shine b****? Let me Simoniz you"

    "Get you hollerin', like Marvin Gaye
    When his father shot him in the chest"

    Etc etc

  • May 27, 2021

    And you can see how dry, serious and fragile Eminem is nowadays

    Compared to Redman who is still naturally funny and charismatic

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    Which is why they ignored all the examples of other rappers being influenced by other rappers because they know it's a dumb point. Nas used G Raps style on fast life and IWW. Doesnt mean he's a copycat. Post that and they gonna ignore it cause reddit didnt find a counterpoint to that.

    yeah it's a pathway to calling anything and anyone rip offs.

    young artists wearing their influence on their sleaves is nothing new (with a lot of it being wayyyy more blatant than Em's case)

    Kendrick trying hard to sound like LIL WAYNE or early Tyler sounding like EM, Earl Sweatshirt rhyming like MF DOOM... list goes on and on

  • May 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    Or I make multiple threads on multiple websites. That didn't answer my question though. Why are you regurgitating opinions from old black people on the coli Goo? You can fit in without trying to follow trends

    Yeah you're talking nonsense bc you ran out of arguments

  • May 27, 2021
    Baby Goat

    like there are many valid criticism of Em especially late in his career but this angle of him being a copycap doesn't sit right with me at all, first time i hear it too

    First time you hear it but Durkio says I copied it from The Coli and it's a "generic take" lmaooo

    I'm not the first person in the world who thought Eminem ripped off Redman but I noticed it myself and certainly don't see it being mentioned much

  • May 27, 2021
    Saint Aquinas

    Im not replying to the guy that asked "Is nas a hypocrite" for his doja black remarks ever again. You didnt grow up in rap and your posts show it

    You just exposed yourself for fishing through my thread history to maybe shame/expose me or sum

    Too bad the best you could come up with is a thread you didn't bother opening cuz if you did, you'd know the title is a rhetorical question

    You're pathetic asl Durkio
