He gotta walk out on stage to this
!https://youtu.be/PFJGaEwU960Yes but I’m already mad at the world, I look for any excuse because I was emotionally abandoned as a child
Yes but I’m already mad at the world, I look for any excuse because I was emotionally abandoned as a child
Damn real
Its finally a openly gay nigga in the mainstream and now yall are tryna say hes straight?
im pretty sure im not going crazy here, but when he first came out he didn't say gay, he said bi. but for whatever reason there seems to be a serious industry vendetta against bi people, every time a celebrity comes out as bisexual they're painted as being gay universally. it's weird as f***. the same thing happened with frank, everyone thinks he's gay when the original "coming out" was as bi.
What's up with these men coming out with these wild takes. It's like they tryna hide something or mask their hate
I been thought he wasn't gay.. He just seems hella tekashi 6 9 with it if that makes any sense. Like look at me I'm a rainbow haired blood and y'all can't do s*** about it.. I think he's gonna date a girl soon and say he's bi. And the community gonna drag him. I don't think we ever gonna see him publicly date another man..
if be as mad as when i found out frank wasnt anticapitalist
Imagine he just comes out with a line of jewelry and makes songs revolving around luxury not our king bro. This nigga so anti capitalist he prolly got that Kim jun un nigga on his wall. Commie vibes fa show fa show