as a Muslim man, my kid can be gay, trans, republican, etc. and I'd support them unconditionally, but nigga don't be an atheist that chooses to be "edgy" to prove a point.
but IN for this conversation
can i be the one to say that "these are the end of days" due to this situation, or do anybody else wanna take that stance?
i dont care what they do, they'd probably be doing this to get a rise out of me. kids do this because they dont have a strong sense of community. fighting them on it will only want them to do it more.
if u did ur research satanism isn't about worshipping the devil
nah fr tho, I was just thinking "how come there are no religious clubs at schools besides Christianity"
if u did ur research satanism isn't about worshipping the devil
hence why I said "being an edgy atheist to prove a point"
hence why I said "being an edgy atheist to prove a point"
im talking to other ppl itt man and I quoted your post because im ready for the end of days
im talking to other ppl itt man and I quoted your post because im ready for the end of days
inshallah, we'll ride it out and become better men for it
don't see the problem here
normally i'd play devil's advocate but this time it would be too literal
corny but i mean if they wanted 2 i'm not gonna stop em just gonna express my take but tell them ultimately its ur decision
Of course. That way I’ll know for sure their virginity is intact so no worries about teen pregnancy or STDs
if u did ur research satanism isn't about worshipping the devil
Then they should rename it cause that’s like a restaurant called Burger Place only selling tacos.
corny but i mean if they wanted 2 i'm not gonna stop em just gonna express my take but tell them ultimately its ur decision
How you gonna let your child be a Satanist
Absolutely not. If it's not athletics they're not allowed to join any club
I don't think your genes are capable of producing an athletic child.