nah eh
there might be 5 people buying an xbox for game pass
i mean
the brand that microsoft built during the 2000s they destroyed
bro no one is buying an xbox specifically for the gamepass,
and yes they rebranded completely so idk how im wrong there
i think you jus dumb as hell at this point
bro no one is buying an xbox specifically for the gamepass,
and yes they rebranded completely so idk how im wrong there
i think you jus dumb as hell at this point
when did they rebrand completely?
are they not going to sell another Xbox console or Xbox device?
and people literally just bought Xbox consoles for PALWORLD which is on GAME PASS
i think ur a f***ing goof lacking in most areas of ur life but i thought we were keeping opinions outta this
when did they rebrand completely?
are they not going to sell another Xbox console or Xbox device?
and people literally just bought Xbox consoles for PALWORLD which is on GAME PASS
i think ur a f***ing goof lacking in most areas of ur life but i thought we were keeping opinions outta this
original xbox ->xbox 360 (brand stayed the same, stayed in their lane)-> xbox one (complete rebrand, then trying to revert back, too late) -> series x (rebrand again)
they will never sell as much consoles as they did back in the 2000s era and i will put money on it
i dont think anyone bought an xbox for palworld and if they did they might be psychotic
bro no one is buying an xbox specifically for the gamepass,
and yes they rebranded completely so idk how im wrong there
i think you jus dumb as hell at this point
scamming gamepass should be a reason tbh
bro no one is buying an xbox specifically for the gamepass,
and yes they rebranded completely so idk how im wrong there
i think you jus dumb as hell at this point
I’ve seen lots of people copping a Series S just for Game Pass
It’s the cheapest way to get into the Game Pass catalog natively, so it seems like a popular buying option.
yeah that's 10-11 years ago bud
lasted a few years tho but by 2017 things were better for Xbox
was it too late? yeah of course but that's old news
if Microsoft Gaming's plan works they will be positioned as the leader in $$$ but still third place in console sales from 2025 onward
if i was Sony i'd be concerned about going head to head with Microsoft in the software and advertising space and even more concerned with Nintendo's next console being able to play Call of Duty and GTA 6
i thought the delusion could come to an end but nope this post right here
I bought my Series X for GamePass + to play all 3rd party games on.
And nothing is stopping you
man im f***ing done bro every f***ing 2 minutes my co workers are like ouuu did you play insert kick ass ps5 exlusive (spiderman helldivers 2 f***ing final fantasy f***ing anything) im f***ing done man they get EVERYTHING i cant f***ing take it anymore bro
Being able to play the entire Skate trilogy on Xbox Series means I’m NEVER gonna sell my console.
Xbox is f***ing goated for embracing that feature
i thought the delusion could come to an end but nope this post right here
everything i said is objective fact
bro no one is buying an xbox specifically for the gamepass,
and yes they rebranded completely so idk how im wrong there
i think you jus dumb as hell at this point
Most people who buy an abox in modern day buy it for gamepass, damn near everyone ik who got a series x got it for legit that
How much of this is an actual issue, and how much of it is people who don;t want to buy a new console?
And by the time this becomes an actual issue there will most likely be a next gen anyways, so to play new games you'll need a new console regardless.
loool somebody got in trouble? just before the business-update event..
Something’s fishy about this
loool somebody got in trouble?
this might be the handheld device team
xbox era has ZERO credibility after the Starfield on PS5 lies
How will this business-update event benefit me, a day-1 Xbox gamer?
They better announce Banjo