supah crazy delivery
Being honest story is just ok to me at chapter 11. Hope that finał chapters delivers
Being honest story is just ok to me at chapter 11. Hope that finał chapters delivers
but overall experience is incredible so who cares
Just finished it up. Great game and was incredibly fun, though the antagonists were pretty abysmal, especially compared to the antagonists in any of the recent RGG games, like Lost Judgment or Yakuza 7\. Ending itself was really good though. I also did not find the substories to be that great. There were a few that I liked, but disappointed since everything else was relatively high quality.
Also was nice to finally get a Yakuza story that didn't have a locker baby mix up, Mirror Face, or rubber bullet-tier bullshit lol.
Great game so farm starting to get grindy at chapter 8.
Not a fan and don't have time for grinding anymore.
But everything else has been fantastic
This will go down a top 3 yakuza game for me.
Maybe above kiwami 2.
Zero is still zero guys sorry, they ain't never fully topping it.
Only on chapter 6 like 30 hours in
Chitose best girl I don’t need to meet these other b****es again
That spikeout game in the arcade fun as hell
7 was better in terms of story but gameplay and character wise this one is top s***. Still not a Big fan of including kiryu in this i was hoping for full Ichiban experience
7 was better in terms of story but gameplay and character wise this one is top s***. Still not a Big fan of including kiryu in this i was hoping for full Ichiban experience
I should be finishing later today
Personally wouldn't put Infinite Wealth above 0, 2 or 7 but its maybe over 6 or right there with 6 for me.
Do yall like Tomizawa? As a character he's a pretty mundane guy, which in a game that's as wacky and outlandish as this series it feels a bit out of place.
Compared to the other characters in the party I feel like he's the blandest. I don't dislike him, but he's just very regular degular.
I'm only at the part where you get your 4th party member and do that boss battle though. Maybe more things will click with him, but feels like they've explained his motivations and what not.
Do yall like Tomizawa? As a character he's a pretty mundane guy, which in a game that's as wacky and outlandish as this series it feels a bit out of place.
Compared to the other characters in the party I feel like he's the blandest. I don't dislike him, but he's just very regular degular.
I'm only at the part where you get your 4th party member and do that boss battle though. Maybe more things will click with him, but feels like they've explained his motivations and what not.
He's the comic relief role for the most part. But I'm glad they don't make him too dorky, and his story with his past is pretty good.
Honestly I enjoy this game alot. And it doesn't have enough zaniness to give it my top spot of Yakuza games. But it's cemented top 3. Great game.
I'm going to stop comparing everything to 0, it's just on a pedestal that can't be dethroned. It's the illmatic of the series.
It's the stone cold of its generation. You can't touch it, but if you can mimic it's greatness then You've done your job
Do yall like Tomizawa? As a character he's a pretty mundane guy, which in a game that's as wacky and outlandish as this series it feels a bit out of place.
Compared to the other characters in the party I feel like he's the blandest. I don't dislike him, but he's just very regular degular.
I'm only at the part where you get your 4th party member and do that boss battle though. Maybe more things will click with him, but feels like they've explained his motivations and what not.
I’m on chapter 6. He’s fine so far. His English voice is abysmal tho so I understand hating him if someone plays in English
My biggest gripe with the characters in 7 and 8 is that the party is such a sausage fest in both games. Need more girls
Do yall like Tomizawa? As a character he's a pretty mundane guy, which in a game that's as wacky and outlandish as this series it feels a bit out of place.
Compared to the other characters in the party I feel like he's the blandest. I don't dislike him, but he's just very regular degular.
I'm only at the part where you get your 4th party member and do that boss battle though. Maybe more things will click with him, but feels like they've explained his motivations and what not.
found him annoying tbh
Game is top 2 with 0 edging it out.
Kiwami 2 is awesome but infinite wealth is just more heartfelt. And Ichiban is just too damn likable.
The only thing I can't stand about the turn based games is they both have this random difficulty spike at the end where you have to grind hard. Like just let me play the f***ing main story.
There's no reason to be grinding in a game in 2024.