Wow this sounds amazing? Which one should I get? You think monthly or yearly? This sounds amazing
Bro this dead ass sounds amazing!!!!!
Wow this sounds amazing? Which one should I get? You think monthly or yearly? This sounds amazing
yearly the best price but up to you
yearly the best price but up to you
I’m gonna go home and subcribes bro thanks for this
Bro mfs saying ps + not worth it? What exactly is ps plus and yes I have a ps 5
Get it its worth it yoi basically get a greatest hits as long as you bought ps+ within the period for ps5
You can only play them while your ps+ is active tho, but otherwise its basically free for like a dozen of games for the cost of one
Get it its worth it yoi basically get a greatest hits as long as you bought ps+ within the period for ps5
You can only play them while your ps+ is active tho, but otherwise its basically free for like a dozen of games for the cost of one
Sounds like a great deal. Will get it once I get off work brodie
You can try it out but the game is buns to me tho
Was it because it was too long and repetitive? That’s what skreets been saying
This is actually very realistic s/o white trash trailers the overlooked minority
@Kr0niic bro the premium plus subscription awfully expensive for 119/year and they barely have any ps 5 games this looks like a rip off bro. Also no 2k games at all? WTF. Literally all games are ps 4 classic which I know will look s*** on ps 5
bro any other games with mini maps like days gone, hogwarts, saints row etc for ps 5????
@Kr0niic bro the premium plus subscription awfully expensive for 119/year and they barely have any ps 5 games this looks like a rip off bro. Also no 2k games at all? WTF. Literally all games are ps 4 classic which I know will look s*** on ps 5
Don’t get premium get extra or standard
Don’t get premium get extra or standard
But wait extra and standard you don’t get the option of those 100 + games???? You only get the monthly releases
But wait extra and standard you don’t get the option of those 100 + games???? You only get the monthly releases
Extra you get the 100+ games
Premium only has some old ps1 ps2 and ps3 games and ps4 remasters of ps3 games and that selection sucks
Extra you get the 100+ games
Premium only has some old ps1 ps2 and ps3 games and ps4 remasters of ps3 games and that selection sucks
Wait so the only difference is you get ps 1 and ps 2 games for premium but not for extra? Also what’s the point of having ps 1 games on ps 5 console? Wouldn’t the graphics be straight trash
Wait so the only difference is you get ps 1 and ps 2 games for premium but not for extra? Also what’s the point of having ps 1 games on ps 5 console? Wouldn’t the graphics be straight trash
Cause the games are good
Cause the games are good
Getting ps extra! I might play a horror game tonight hehe
Getting ps extra! I might play a horror game tonight hehe
Manually redeem all ps + collection games be sure to do it before it expires
Manually redeem all ps + collection games be sure to do it before it expires
What does this mean? Lol
What does this mean? Lol
Go to plus page on ps5. Go to ps plus collection
And hit “add to library” on every game shown