The zombies are fun but man does the story drag on and on. Just the thought of replaying it tires me out.
Thanks this alone makes me not even want to download this game. I’m done with 60% of stray and this game is SOOOOOOO BORING
Lost my bike in like the first mission since it ran out of gas never touched it since
He played Hogwarts Legacy on Story difficulty. He's going to be frustrated playing RE when he finds out zombies take 6 bullets to kill and he can't walk while aiming
@op play Stray, seems like a game you'll like
I’m done with 60% of stray game harder than I thought but it’s literally the most boring s*** I have played. Glad it’s a short game tho
I’m done with 60% of stray game harder than I thought but it’s literally the most boring s*** I have played. Glad it’s a short game tho
Have you considered playing Lego games?
Have you considered playing Lego games?
Saints row 4 next. Put some respekkk on my name
I’m done with 60% of stray game harder than I thought but it’s literally the most boring s*** I have played. Glad it’s a short game tho
Yeah stray sucks ass I could have told you that but didn’t wanna put you down from the high of ps+
Bro how is saints row 4??
Only played 3 and 4 but 3 was a lot better. You're too OP in 4, by the end you don't ever need to drive a car because you can run faster than them
Only played 3 and 4 but 3 was a lot better. You're too OP in 4, by the end you don't ever need to drive a car because you can run faster than them
Lost my bike in like the first mission since it ran out of gas never touched it since
Better than 5 at least
Saints row 4 so trash b I played the first 4 missions and deleted that trash right away
Saints row 4 so trash b I played the first 4 missions and deleted that trash right away
He played Hogwarts Legacy on Story difficulty. He's going to be frustrated playing RE when he finds out zombies take 6 bullets to kill and he can't walk while aiming
@op play Stray, seems like a game you'll like
oh also u can walk while aiming in the new ones lol
didnt even know that was a thing in the old one