If you shave your body hair it comes back faster and stronger though? And doesn’t it stink if you don’t have body hair?
short trim > complete shave, obviously. It's easier, and most women prefer that.
Armpit hair
Pubic hair
Outta here
I got a babyface so i dont even gotta worry about a beard. I dont have chest or back hair either.
If you shave your body hair it comes back faster and stronger though? And doesn’t it stink if you don’t have body hair?
Not true. It is just that the razor cuts at the thickest part of the hair so it seems like it at first.
Being bullied in middle school during gym class for being hairy
Living here
Idk thats all i got
Come swing by the island sometime, youll see what i mean
If you shave your body hair it comes back faster and stronger though? And doesn’t it stink if you don’t have body hair?
Thats a myth
I personally do it because i think it looks better shaved (my body) and sweat smell embeds itself into your hair, especially the pits
feel bad for them man that are hairy as f*** everywhere except on their head 😂
And face
just facial hair and nose hahahahaa
i dont shave pubes rn cause long distance
Yall niggas gotta have bare yeast infections down there