I shaved my goatee because i f***ed it up last night trying to clean it up
Mustache gang for now
im not good at lining up either so i ended up buying a line up tool to help me
good investment if youre not the best at it
im not good at lining up either so i ended up buying a line up tool to help me
good investment if youre not the best at it
Good looks brother
I use hair removal cream
I had to use this s*** before my surgery on my back.
Bruh that s*** was smooth idk what type of chemicals they put
Besides the obvious face and pubes, I shave my back, stomach, and chest maybe once a month. I'm definitely more hairy than the average person so I've been considering shaving shaving elsewhere. My legs and arms are covered and I wondered how it would look with less hair. I've been told that the more visible hair you have, the harder it is to discern your actual skin tone
i just started taking biotin. you getting shoulder hairs?
Yes tbh but they look like pubes
Why would you
Because that s*** smells musty no matter how much soap you use
I had to use this s*** before my surgery on my back.
Bruh that s*** was smooth idk what type of chemicals they put
a friend of mine put it on his ballsack and got burns
eyebrows too op?
My eyebrows thin as hell naturally
Dont even need to clean em at the barber
I already know I'm gonna get 500 more Manscaped ads in the next few days just for clicking this thread
short trim > complete shave, obviously. It's easier, and most women prefer that.
Thats what im saying
Using a razor ED
Armpit hair
Pubic hair
Outta here
I got a babyface so i dont even gotta worry about a beard. I dont have chest or back hair either.
Good man
Besides the obvious face and pubes, I shave my back, stomach, and chest maybe once a month. I'm definitely more hairy than the average person so I've been considering shaving shaving elsewhere. My legs and arms are covered and I wondered how it would look with less hair. I've been told that the more visible hair you have, the harder it is to discern your actual skin tone
Go for it