It was a difficult time for people like myself that was f***in with soundcloud / mumble rap heavy
“Cloud Rap” and the new underground scene came with a bunch bad indie b****es tho
You know what, you're right
2019 the raptors won the title and 2018 was a really good year for hip hop.
My apologies, good sir.
raptors winning the title one of the worst things about 2019
Damn you ain’t get to experience how crazy the clubs were in 2016 when “Father Stretch My Hands” and s*** dropped
I think 2016 overrated but the parties and club scene was insane around that time
you could say that about literally every era of music
what is this, the casual blueprint?
No Way all 50 of those albums are “casual”. Dua Lipa ain’t even on that s***. Keep stacking those L’s.
GOAT year
Niggas still mad about this💀
One of the greatest years in mankind tbh.
World fell off after 2016, not even musically
I was 13 in 2016
You guys are really old lol
Youre a fetus
All summer 16
Niggas still mad about this💀
At the time I was laughing but he was right all along
what yall think of 2016 in 2024?
Great time culturally but i was down so bad lol f*** 2016
what yall think of 2016 in 2024?
This year was the last year my age group felt carefree and I think that’s why we love it so much. If you were born between 93-97 you understand.
Ban any niggas living in 2016
Such a real post soon
Never understand why people get stuck in 2016, 2016 lowkey just reminds me of snapchat filters and other poorly aged s***
2017-2019 was such a vibe too
You sound like a damn casual saying dumb s*** like that
savage mode II? fiona apple overrated late career album? the only s*** on that chart thats gonna last is WLR and the Jay Elec album im afraid
Such a real post soon
Never understand why people get stuck in 2016, 2016 lowkey just reminds me of snapchat filters and other poorly aged s***
2017-2019 was such a vibe too
ur just trying to be different and its so obvious lol
ur just trying to be different and its so obvious lol
I really don’t understand why people on this website don’t understand the concept of opinion
I pray that God strikes me down tonight with a painful and slow death if I’m trying to be a contrarian, I just personally don’t miss 2016 didnt have that much fun in the year and a lot of the things that people are nostalgic about from that time Im not nostalgic for
I love Blonde and like some of the other music but nothing else that year besides the frank s*** is my favorite music from that time, I didn’t like snapchat, I don’t care about the cavs and I don’t watch any other sport, it wasnt a bad year but I genuinely don’t miss it or feel nostalgia for it and if Im lying God take me now