If Yikes and All Mine were better songs, id actually be fully satisfied with the album.
Ghost Town is the only live performed song from Ye right? I can't remember if he did the others for Sunday Service
If Yikes and All Mine were better songs, id actually be fully satisfied with the album.
Yikes amazing
Fun times!
My gifs I made at the time
Love this album
Ghost Town is in my top 15 Ye tracks.
It suffers from being a short album. Which is unusual. Most of the time albums suffer for being too long. Like each song is good but the album doesn’t feel complete. It sounds like he cut half of it off. Ye needed to be at least 40 minutes.
It suffers from being a short album. Which is unusual. Most of the time albums suffer for being too long. Like each song is good but the album doesn’t feel complete. It sounds like he cut half of it off. Ye needed to be at least 40 minutes.
I have that issue with JIK
I've grown to really love this album, but it's still way too short. Yikes and All mine are just both so mid and that'd be okay if the album had more songs, but when only 5/7 songs are really good its hard for an album to be a classic
If Yikes and All Mine were better songs, id actually be fully satisfied with the album.
Still cant believe people think JIK is a better album than this.
facts, ye is so much better than JIK
I'm on one, two, three, four, five
No half-truths, just naked minds
what does that first line mean