  • Feb 5
    3 replies
    hot pancakes

    I really thought we were back for this. But if it’s mostly AI…. Idk

    Ye is always 10 years ahead of everyone so I fear this makes the future of music bleak…. Most are going to be using it as well soon

    Most are already using it. You guys have to wake up man, this technology is going to be our future and I mean this out of love and no hate.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    I really thought we were back for this. But if it’s mostly AI…. Idk

    Ye is always 10 years ahead of everyone so I fear this makes the future of music bleak…. Most are going to be using it as well soon

    It’s already being used tbh. The tools already existing for public usage for free on multiple DAWS leads me to believe that

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Feb 5

    Wholesome Ye on Ty’s story


  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I was thinking about this the other day, but we tend to forget that artists like Ye really grew up with this music and have perspective on it from an entire lens we’ll never understand. Was thinking about it when I was watching it is what it is and Cam was comparing a player from the 70s/80s to Ja Morant and saying that nigga was better, Ja is just the modern day version.

    Like bruh was a teenager when this was blowing up and in high school/college for peak MJ/Prince and the blowup/transition of hiphop while a lot of our greats were kids or not born

    Wild to think about tbh

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    0 chance this dude doesn’t change his mind by June 15

    Someone just let me know if he changes his mind about the ai

    Newsflash: he won't

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    Newsflash: he won't


  • Feb 5
    Mmm Hmm




  • Feb 5



  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 5

    tbh I'm tired of him citing can't tell me nothing

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    I was thinking about this the other day, but we tend to forget that artists like Ye really grew up with this music and have perspective on it from an entire lens we’ll never understand. Was thinking about it when I was watching it is what it is and Cam was comparing a player from the 70s/80s to Ja Morant and saying that nigga was better, Ja is just the modern day version.

    Like bruh was a teenager when this was blowing up and in high school/college for peak MJ/Prince and the blowup/transition of hiphop while a lot of our greats were kids or not born

    Wild to think about tbh

    how's it wild, that's life our parents grew up on that, he's almost 50

  • I'm not gonna play arm chair therapist with another person's kid, especially the child of two billionaires, but I do hope that thing with Saint is being treated with the appropriate amount of urgency.


  • Kee

    Most are already using it. You guys have to wake up man, this technology is going to be our future and I mean this out of love and no hate.

    Fair enough,I totally see the value for stem separation and that kind of work. But for direct vocals? That just doesn’t sit with me yet

    But ye did compare it to auto tune and while it’s not the same, I guess I can see the comparison

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    It’s already being used tbh. The tools already existing for public usage for free on multiple DAWS leads me to believe that

    I definitely see its value for some of the process like stem separation, but having someone else do the vocals and then you just utilize ai to make it your voice instead? Idk I haven’t came around to that yet lol. Maybe one day

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Most are already using it. You guys have to wake up man, this technology is going to be our future and I mean this out of love and no hate.

    out of curiosity does that opinion stretch to ai vocal replacement as well? or do you just mean stuff like the stem splitting he talks about in the interview ?

  • hoopsplayer21


    I guess its from the start of the video it just started playing when I was browsing

  • Why did it just jump from master p to mental health episodes without any context? Lol

  • ILoveCheeseCake

    man key needs to get back in that 777 bag

  • "AI ain't made nothing yet that I could jerk off to"

    lmao this guy is a psychopath man

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    how's it wild, that's life our parents grew up on that, he's almost 50

    it’s wild and worth discussing, shoutout our parents too

    idk about you but I spend a lot of time talking to older people about life when they grew up and I’ve learned a lot

    like an older lady was telling me how she vividly remembers when all the houses in her neighborhood converted from steam heating to hot water heating. It was like a turn of the century moment cause it changed how they lived. I didn’t know that s*** nor would I have if she didn’t give me that vicarious experience

    so yea it is wild lmfao. seeing older people vibe out to music that probably puts them back in that place is wild to me cause I can’t have that same experience and feeling they had 30+ years ago when it was happening

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I just hope the music's good...

    Cause so far joints like "Preacher Man" & "Beauty & The Beast" are waaaay too bare bone.

    I'm sure he has updated versions but still.

  • Lord Quas

    I just hope the music's good...

    Cause so far joints like "Preacher Man" & "Beauty & The Beast" are waaaay too bare bone.

    I'm sure he has updated versions but still.

    You’re sure? brother lol