  • Love Preacher Man OG version he played in the last listening event tbh would take it as is and it would be one of his best songs of the decade

  • Feb 5
    2 replies
    hot pancakes

    I definitely see its value for some of the process like stem separation, but having someone else do the vocals and then you just utilize ai to make it your voice instead? Idk I haven’t came around to that yet lol. Maybe one day

    how do you feel about references stylistically performed as the artist?

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    We been complaining bout his flow and him forgetting how to rap for the last 4-5 years. If he start using AI and suddenly starts sounding like LR Kanye im fine wit it. These are legacy act albums anyway, nobody will remember these when the man passes

  • New Slaves might be his greatest song btw Yeezus aging like fine wine

  • GodzillaMinusOne

    We been complaining bout his flow and him forgetting how to rap for the last 4-5 years. If he start using AI and suddenly starts sounding like LR Kanye im fine wit it. These are legacy act albums anyway, nobody will remember these when the man passes

    Exactly, I wanna hear good verses, not some yelling mumbling s*** that ruin the songs instantly

  • Valentine

    how do you feel about references stylistically performed as the artist?

    I wonder who did the reference for Forever Rollin

  • fantastic interview

  • like best interview in years bar none

    not even comparatively either. it was just really solid

  • Feb 5
    4 replies

    As I been saying… Beyoncé been heavily inspired by ye musically but never helps him or gives him credit…. Snake

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    how do you feel about references stylistically performed as the artist?

    I guess I see where you’re coming from, and maybe it’s cause I’m not fully there yet - and as I type it it sounds like some old head s*** - but at least it’s a real person doing it, ya know?

    Like a songwriter / artist does a reference track for another artist, but then the artist goes in the booth and re-records it themselves, they don’t just run it through AI. There’s some level of artistic value there. At least IMO

  • It is EXTREMELY difficult for me to hate on Ye. I be mad at his antics but when I see interviews like this I’m reminded he’s still cool as f***

  • Feb 5
    hot pancakes

    I guess I see where you’re coming from, and maybe it’s cause I’m not fully there yet - and as I type it it sounds like some old head s*** - but at least it’s a real person doing it, ya know?

    Like a songwriter / artist does a reference track for another artist, but then the artist goes in the booth and re-records it themselves, they don’t just run it through AI. There’s some level of artistic value there. At least IMO

    nah it’s not some old head s***

    you value the work that goes into an artist performing the reference track given to them despite it being stylistically developed to sound like you

    like someone gives you a reference, you record it, and it’s still ass, which I’m sure happens often

    I guess you’re saying this is where the integrity/value comes into play? cause now you not 100% giving the song an original performance of the artist who is named when you just overlay AI

  • hot pancakes

    As I been saying… Beyoncé been heavily inspired by ye musically but never helps him or gives him credit…. Snake

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

  • GodzillaMinusOne

    We been complaining bout his flow and him forgetting how to rap for the last 4-5 years. If he start using AI and suddenly starts sounding like LR Kanye im fine wit it. These are legacy act albums anyway, nobody will remember these when the man passes

    other people rapping his verses & slapping essentially his vocal program on it is not ok with me in that I can’t treat it like a real song i can take it as a musical experience of some sort

  • him cleaning up his own vocals with ai…I guess maybe no I can’t even stomach that 😭

  • Feb 5

    Surprised she has clothes on.

  • Interpolating a sample w ai is what I consider somewhat palpable use in legitimate music, even then I kinda wanna never find out about it

  • Feb 5

    Andrew Tate and Jeffrey Epstein was also googled most person one time. It's not an achievement or accomplishment to be googled most. We just want to see his wife's big fat t***

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    As I been saying… Beyoncé been heavily inspired by ye musically but never helps him or gives him credit…. Snake

    Add it to the list
    Yeezus fast approaching 808s for most influential

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    it’s wild and worth discussing, shoutout our parents too

    idk about you but I spend a lot of time talking to older people about life when they grew up and I’ve learned a lot

    like an older lady was telling me how she vividly remembers when all the houses in her neighborhood converted from steam heating to hot water heating. It was like a turn of the century moment cause it changed how they lived. I didn’t know that s*** nor would I have if she didn’t give me that vicarious experience

    so yea it is wild lmfao. seeing older people vibe out to music that probably puts them back in that place is wild to me cause I can’t have that same experience and feeling they had 30+ years ago when it was happening

    It's a common sense thing to me, like saying water is wet, you learn and understand those things just growing up, so it's not shocking to me. It's just normal is how I would put it. Idk I've always been the observant type, so maybe that differs for others that never paid such things much mind

  • Kee

    Most are already using it. You guys have to wake up man, this technology is going to be our future and I mean this out of love and no hate.

    One thing about Ye is if he sees where something is heading... he's gonna want to get there first

  • Feb 5

    Brat is the homosexual version of Yeezus

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Bianca really the one in control

    Ye said in the interview he’s been off his meds the last couple years because “Bianca & her doctor” told him he’s autistic

  • Feb 5
    1 reply