  • Most positive twitter reaction for a Ye album since TLOP

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    Most positive twitter reaction for a Ye album since TLOP

    this says more about twitter in 2025 than anything else

  • GodzillaMinusOne

    Most positive twitter reaction for a Ye album since TLOP

    i dont think anyone but fans is listening lmao

  • SpiderMan

    It's from the metadata of one of the movies so it's legit

    Although Time might have been renamed again to This One Here, I can't tell which name is more recent on that front

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    TLOP a masterpiece and I'll stand by that.

    It started after that album imo.

    if it was such a masterpiece why'd he change it so much? i agree the finished album of TLOP is one of his best albums, but that's where this bullshit started of dropping half finished records then updating it as it's already released and sold

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    Most positive twitter reaction for a Ye album since TLOP

    Donda wasn't positive? Can't recall what ppl were saying at the time of it dropping

  • TheGhost

    if it was such a masterpiece why'd he change it so much? i agree the finished album of TLOP is one of his best albums, but that's where this bullshit started of dropping half finished records then updating it as it's already released and sold

    It was the first album in the streaming era for him, when he was able to "update" an album after the fact of releasing

  • Need Dark Matter

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    3 replies

    TLOP a masterpiece and I'll stand by that.

    It started after that album imo.

    DONDA out now

  • DaeHan

    DONDA out now

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    It was the first album in the streaming era for him, when he was able to "update" an album after the fact of releasing

    that would be fine, if it was just mix updates and stuff like that, dolby atmos support. but it's not, the music itself is half finished, missing verses, features thrown in ect

  • DaeHan

    DONDA out now

    Don't ever disrespect TLOP by comparing it to Donda

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    Lmao do I got the wrong version? Everybody hyping this s*** up when it’s barely an album, just some half assed sample flips with barely any direction or vocals

  • pneu
    1 reply

    if it was such a masterpiece why'd he change it so much? i agree the finished album of TLOP is one of his best albums, but that's where this bullshit started of dropping half finished records then updating it as it's already released and sold

    He stopped being a perfectionist sure but he didn't change that album much tbh.

    The initial version was still brilliant.

  • TheGhost

    that would be fine, if it was just mix updates and stuff like that, dolby atmos support. but it's not, the music itself is half finished, missing verses, features thrown in ect

    I get that yeah, but wouldn't surprise me if we would have done that with earlier albums too if it was a possibility at the the time, is all I really meant

  • SignedTwice

    Lmao do I got the wrong version? Everybody hyping this s*** up when it’s barely an album, just some half assed sample flips with barely any direction or vocals

    I’m thinking the same thing lol

  • pneu
    1 reply

    DONDA out now

    I like Donda too, JIK is his only solo miss imo.

  • Newhouse

    this says more about twitter in 2025 than anything else

    It's still 2025

    Niggas die every f***ing day

  • Hades

    Donda wasn't positive? Can't recall what ppl were saying at the time of it dropping

    It was mostly positive but it was battling CLB so it got a lot of hate from Drake stans and those on his side. I kid you not--search up Bully. It's 98% praise. Even if it's "I hate this man. Can't believe he releases his best work in years after all that" type comments lol

  • pneu
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    He stopped being a perfectionist sure but he didn't change that album much tbh.

    The initial version was still brilliant.

    bro i was never arguing TLOP was a bad record, i'm saying that's where this habit started of releasing unfinished music to the masses, it's only got worse, from TLOP to DONDA it was a massive jump in this regard, DONDA wasn't even the record you remember when it was first played, it literally changed

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    I like Donda too, JIK is his only solo miss imo.

    I actually love JIK. Super underrated.

  • pneu


  • pneu

    bro i was never arguing TLOP was a bad record, i'm saying that's where this habit started of releasing unfinished music to the masses, it's only got worse, from TLOP to DONDA it was a massive jump in this regard, DONDA wasn't even the record you remember when it was first played, it literally changed

    Ah yeah I agree with you

  • pneu
    1 reply

    I actually love JIK. Super underrated.

    Couple cool songs but it just doesn't have that ye feeling like his other albums.

    Even Ye who people s*** on is actually really solid and still sounds like a Kanye album.