  • May 18
    2 replies

    Gonna give a none trol-y serious review. This seems to be the main thread used for the series, and its pretty negative towards it, so might as well leave some positive thoughts on it.
    MHA is pretty fantastic in art and storytelling imo(I think art wise it belongs in the same conversation as Yusuke Murata, Toriyama, and Kubo)

    I feel like the series gets a bad rep due to its fanbase, and the a lot of the main critics being adults who've grown out of Shonen Manga targeted towards 12-15 Year Olds. And the anime adaptation is a big hit or miss in comparison to its peers.

    The series is structed and paced very well, and and lays out and executes most of its themes very clear and concisely.
    There is an argument to be made that it has the best villain cast in the recent memory for a shonen. Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, AFO, Twice, Stain, etc. And does a good job with developing its villains along side its heroes.(Many would argue JJK. But JJK really only has Sukuna, Mahito and maybe Geto in terms of iconic villains.)

    Read a lot of critiques about Deku not developing, which is a bit silly to me. This is like when people say Luffy and Goku never develop. Its subtle; however Deku is in a different person than the boy we meet in episode 1.
    Personally I think its the only series that successful carried on the legacy of the Big 3; in terms of having similar themes, having a generally hopeful tone, and just embodying at the spirit of a classic shonen. Another major criticism is it being 'generic'. I remember older anime fans saying the same for the Big 3 like 16/17 years ago in middle school. But i feel like there are a lot of unique tropes started with MHA that you can already see influencing some newer anime.

  • Kenig 💭
    May 18
    1 reply

    Gonna give a none trol-y serious review. This seems to be the main thread used for the series, and its pretty negative towards it, so might as well leave some positive thoughts on it.
    MHA is pretty fantastic in art and storytelling imo(I think art wise it belongs in the same conversation as Yusuke Murata, Toriyama, and Kubo)

    I feel like the series gets a bad rep due to its fanbase, and the a lot of the main critics being adults who've grown out of Shonen Manga targeted towards 12-15 Year Olds. And the anime adaptation is a big hit or miss in comparison to its peers.

    The series is structed and paced very well, and and lays out and executes most of its themes very clear and concisely.
    There is an argument to be made that it has the best villain cast in the recent memory for a shonen. Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, AFO, Twice, Stain, etc. And does a good job with developing its villains along side its heroes.(Many would argue JJK. But JJK really only has Sukuna, Mahito and maybe Geto in terms of iconic villains.)

    Read a lot of critiques about Deku not developing, which is a bit silly to me. This is like when people say Luffy and Goku never develop. Its subtle; however Deku is in a different person than the boy we meet in episode 1.
    Personally I think its the only series that successful carried on the legacy of the Big 3; in terms of having similar themes, having a generally hopeful tone, and just embodying at the spirit of a classic shonen. Another major criticism is it being 'generic'. I remember older anime fans saying the same for the Big 3 like 16/17 years ago in middle school. But i feel like there are a lot of unique tropes started with MHA that you can already see influencing some newer anime.

    Appreciate the review but I have to disagree hard with the last sentence. I cant think of anything that mha has brought new to the table. Shounen jump is formulaic I am not holding this against any shounen.

    But from the setting to the characters to the themes and to how the arcs and battles are structured it just refuses to do anything outside of that highly predictable path and I believe thats also why over time the audience tapped out quite a bit and other shounen that are alot more brave and aggressive with their innovation to the genre surpassed it.

  • Kenig 💭
    May 19

    And I know its a bit of a weird point but what really bothered me is how mha wants the audience to be impressed by the efforts of its heros. By what they sacrifice and the lengths they will go to to save the world and people. But then only unimportant disposable characters die?

    It just does not translate to the audience.

    It also doesnt translate because the fights are kinda poorly made. Even this final fight things just kinda happened. Somehow shigaraki (who fell so far from his potential) ended up changing sides but why and how is not actually conveyed. Deku just kinda manages to turn him good. You just kinda knew it had to go there because deku said so so it happened but what exactly deku did?? Well I dont understand it. There never was and is a moment in this story where it clicks and you think „wow our protagonist really are amazing“ they just kinda are on the ride and ofc end up beautifully victorious without actually having to do something impressive

  • May 19
    1 reply

    Appreciate the review but I have to disagree hard with the last sentence. I cant think of anything that mha has brought new to the table. Shounen jump is formulaic I am not holding this against any shounen.

    But from the setting to the characters to the themes and to how the arcs and battles are structured it just refuses to do anything outside of that highly predictable path and I believe thats also why over time the audience tapped out quite a bit and other shounen that are alot more brave and aggressive with their innovation to the genre surpassed it.

    I don't necessarily believe that a Shonen needs to reshape the genre to be influential. Personally i wouldn't say Naruto, or Bleach, are incredibly unique and pull a lot from 90s and 80s manga. But both have a unique vibe and style, which i would say the same about MHA.

    However, what I more so mean, is we've been seeing a lot of series directly inspired by MHA coming out, now that its been around for 10 years.

    Kaiju No.8

    Not only a similar premise and tone. But the creator actually worked and studied under Horikoshi(MHA creator)

    Hunters Guild: Red Hood

    Art Style clearly influenced. Similar plot elements such as the mentor character havign a similar situation as All Might. Also, another case of the mangaka being a student of Horikoshi

    Nue's Exorcist

    One of
    One of Jump's current new big series


    I haven't read this one myself. but its blowing up, and the mangaka started their career making MHA fan comics and illustrations, and sites it as their main influence.

    Just saying, we're seeing a lot of newer manga directly inspired by MHA

  • Kenig 💭
    May 19

    I don't necessarily believe that a Shonen needs to reshape the genre to be influential. Personally i wouldn't say Naruto, or Bleach, are incredibly unique and pull a lot from 90s and 80s manga. But both have a unique vibe and style, which i would say the same about MHA.

    However, what I more so mean, is we've been seeing a lot of series directly inspired by MHA coming out, now that its been around for 10 years.

    Kaiju No.8

    Not only a similar premise and tone. But the creator actually worked and studied under Horikoshi(MHA creator)

    Hunters Guild: Red Hood

    Art Style clearly influenced. Similar plot elements such as the mentor character havign a similar situation as All Might. Also, another case of the mangaka being a student of Horikoshi

    Nue's Exorcist

    One of
    One of Jump's current new big series


    I haven't read this one myself. but its blowing up, and the mangaka started their career making MHA fan comics and illustrations, and sites it as their main influence.

    Just saying, we're seeing a lot of newer manga directly inspired by MHA

    ofc stories are similar to mha when MHA is similar and generic to everything in the magacine.

    But thats not my only issue because also within the story. The outcomes of arcs and fights are never interesting. They are predictable and obviously so to the point where this being a story about bravery being so completely unbravely written is almost ironic.

    At the end of the day the kids dont feel heroic. Because we knew from the beginning that thats what they were made to do and because the struggle they were suppose to face never felt like a struggle

  • Peak fiction

  • Purrp 🌚
    May 19

    Last chapter had me tearing up no cap. MHA heartwarming as s*** idc

    “You can do it Deku!”

  • AshTheRobot

    Gonna give a none trol-y serious review. This seems to be the main thread used for the series, and its pretty negative towards it, so might as well leave some positive thoughts on it.
    MHA is pretty fantastic in art and storytelling imo(I think art wise it belongs in the same conversation as Yusuke Murata, Toriyama, and Kubo)

    I feel like the series gets a bad rep due to its fanbase, and the a lot of the main critics being adults who've grown out of Shonen Manga targeted towards 12-15 Year Olds. And the anime adaptation is a big hit or miss in comparison to its peers.

    The series is structed and paced very well, and and lays out and executes most of its themes very clear and concisely.
    There is an argument to be made that it has the best villain cast in the recent memory for a shonen. Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, AFO, Twice, Stain, etc. And does a good job with developing its villains along side its heroes.(Many would argue JJK. But JJK really only has Sukuna, Mahito and maybe Geto in terms of iconic villains.)

    Read a lot of critiques about Deku not developing, which is a bit silly to me. This is like when people say Luffy and Goku never develop. Its subtle; however Deku is in a different person than the boy we meet in episode 1.
    Personally I think its the only series that successful carried on the legacy of the Big 3; in terms of having similar themes, having a generally hopeful tone, and just embodying at the spirit of a classic shonen. Another major criticism is it being 'generic'. I remember older anime fans saying the same for the Big 3 like 16/17 years ago in middle school. But i feel like there are a lot of unique tropes started with MHA that you can already see influencing some newer anime.

    Good s***

    Yeah MHA is dope as hell I don't get the hate, fanbase is wild tho but I ignore it

  • May 19
    1 reply

    Can we get a proper thread for MHA btw from someone who's been watching longer than me


    Can we get a proper thread for MHA btw from someone who's been watching longer than me

    It about to end so don’t really need the thread

  • May 20
    1 reply

    This being the main thread always kills me lmao

  • May 20
    1 reply
    No Idea Color

    This being the main thread always kills me lmao

    Tryna fight OP tbh

  • May 20
    1 reply

    Tryna fight OP tbh

    No you not

  • May 20
    3 replies

    So this series got good again after S4?

  • FlyMx

    No you not

    drop the addy

    bout to do you like All Might did that Nomu in season 1

  • May 20

    So this series got good again after S4?


  • Experiment626

    So this series got good again after S4?

    Tailend of season 5 with the villain arc.

    Season 6 was the best f***ing one of the entire show.

    Season 7's off to a good start. Too early really.

    Season 1-3 were awesome.

    Season 4 is mixed. I personally didn't like it.

    Season 5 was ass until the end

    6 is the peak

  • May 23

    First episode kinda lit

  • Experiment626

    So this series got good again after S4?

    In my personally opinion the anime is a serviceable adaptation. But doesn't do the manga Justice.

    The main arc covered is S4 is great imo. But I think the anime poorly capture the tone and atmosphere.
    (The Culture Festival Arc is over hated imo. Just meant to be a fun cute arc)

    S5 Part 1 unfortunately covers what most fan consider to be the worst arc in the series. Not terrible. But it is probably the most boring arc.

    The second half of Season 5 is probably what most consider to be one of the best arcs in the series.
    Personally I, again, don't believe the anime captured the tone or atmosphere right at all.

    I haven't seen season 6, but it also covers what most consider to be one of the best arcs

  • MHA just got voted as KTT's favorite anime 😳😳

  • Final battle soon

  • ·
    1 reply

    Final battle soon

    Wait did the manga end? I remember kinda tapping out mid way through the final fight

    around when the baby shows up might pick it back up but I hadn’t heard anything major about the manga since then

  • ·
    1 reply

    Wait did the manga end? I remember kinda tapping out mid way through the final fight

    around when the baby shows up might pick it back up but I hadn’t heard anything major about the manga since then

    Manga ending soon

  • ·
    1 reply

    Manga ending soon

    How many chapters would you guess? I’ll pick it up after it’s over so I can just binge

  • ·
    1 reply

    How many chapters would you guess? I’ll pick it up after it’s over so I can just binge

    I heard ~10