Lol I have no idea what the shows end goal is or if it will ever reveal wtf is going on
Lmao for real though
Lol I have no idea what the shows end goal is or if it will ever reveal wtf is going on
Like show is mid to me I can't lie but I am in too deep and want to know what the f*** is going on. Even though I think the answers will all be straight forward of the island being mysterious occult.
Like show is mid to me I can't lie but I am in too deep and want to know what the f*** is going on. Even though I think the answers will all be straight forward of the island being mysterious occult.
Show fills that niche of being an intensely watchable mystery box yet teeters on the edge of being dumb. I’m hoping they pull it off 🤞that and im a sucker for wilderness survival content.
Show fills that niche of being an intensely watchable mystery box yet teeters on the edge of being dumb. I’m hoping they pull it off 🤞that and im a sucker for wilderness survival content.
I just feel like its in some ways too close to Lost. Like anybody would go crazy on that island that long then you combine with occult. Like I don't see them recovering nor do I care if they do at this point . The symbol keeps coming back and mysterious elements. Yet I watch cause I am this far in. Fact that they already confirmed another season has me like
I would love if they wrapped it up this season on a high but they already confirmed season 3 so they have to wrap it up next season PLEASE. This episode made some form of progress but its still kind of overly mysterious
I would love if they wrapped it up this season on a high but they already confirmed season 3 so they have to wrap it up next season PLEASE. This episode made some form of progress but its still kind of overly mysterious
u gotta remember this is on Showtime. they are infamous for running good shows into the ground
u gotta remember this is on Showtime. they are infamous for running good shows into the ground
True but this show has felt aimless from beginning like I can’t call it even good yet
Man this show got real dumb quick everything ab the current day storylines has been middling. Only reason im sticking with it is for the wilderness plot progression.
Man this show got real dumb quick everything ab the current day storylines has been middling. Only reason im sticking with it is for the wilderness plot progression.
My thoughts exactly. The present day stuff is a slog. Was hyped for the Natalie and Lottie storyline going into this season but literally nothing has happened
My thoughts exactly. The present day stuff is a slog. Was hyped for the Natalie and Lottie storyline going into this season but literally nothing has happened
This must be how TWD viewers felt during season 2 on the farm. nat/lottie’s arc had so much potential after ep 1 but theyve been treading water ever since
Man this show got real dumb quick everything ab the current day storylines has been middling. Only reason im sticking with it is for the wilderness plot progression.
Wrap this show up
My thoughts exactly. The present day stuff is a slog. Was hyped for the Natalie and Lottie storyline going into this season but literally nothing has happened
Agreed. The present day stuff doesn’t have a real hook to it like the past timeline does
Agreed. The present day stuff doesn’t have a real hook to it like the past timeline does
Facts. Too much s*** going on present. Jackie and the cop. Misty and the Reddit guy etc. I thought nat and Lottie would get to something but that’s dragging like wtf
This new season has been underwhelming so far. I honestly don’t know how they can do 3 more seasons of this
guess im in the minority but this season been dope. episode that came out today was amazing. great tv