Just finished the season. Jackie
I hope her ghost comes back to f\*\*\* them up
Binged this in 2 days
Fell in love with it. I don’t think it’s as good as the score on rotten tomatoes would lead people to believe, but it’s just such a fun watch and I’m a sucker for mysteries and witnessing the descent into madness and the loss of humanity
The finale left just enough to keep me hooked for a season 2.
Need it now
smh announcing adult castings kind of removes all the tension from the flashbacks but ig it can’t be helped
smh announcing adult castings kind of removes all the tension from the flashbacks but ig it can’t be helped
yeah i was just talking to my gf about this, would have been cool if they "cast" an adult for every kid as misdirection.
(they could still be used for someone fantasizing/dreaming of their future life, but I doubt it)
Misty in some deep s***
Yellow jackets is prepping up to prestige tv level with all the buzz for ss1 I assume the budget would be unlimited at this point
Was hoping for more story from the reporter. But the ending cleared her storyline up.
Crazy how none of them suspected |lottie|| tho