Yes Lawd mostly background music, good album tho but TPAB is just on another level
Terrible post
I have garbage taste because I’m not forcing myself to listen to an album that I have no desire to hear? Just because it’s critically acclaimed?
F*** out my face casual
It’s a fine album, but TPAB is nowhere near the best in the genre unless you started listening to rap in 2010
There are actual rap legends that consider TPAB a classic and one of the best of all time, it's far from people who started listening to rap in the 2010s. Yall just say s*** to defend your horrible taste, you haven't even heard this album in 7 years Shut the f*** up, you're discussing an album you don't even remember.
These Walls is pretty good, favorite song on TPAB along with Complexion.
Complexion don't mean a thang
There are actual rap legends that consider TPAB a classic and one of the best of all time, it's far from people who started listening to rap in the 2010s. Yall just say s*** to defend your horrible taste, you haven't even heard this album in 7 years Shut the f*** up, you're discussing an album you don't even remember.
Post-2010 rap fans adore co-signs
I don’t give a f***. If it don’t have replay value it doesn’t matter how critically acclaimed it is
Complexion don't mean a thang
A zulu love
Rapsody bodied tf out that feature as she usually does
I mean very different contexts of music which factors in a lot here but I guess I’d go with Yes Lawd! Since I listen to it more frequently
Post-2010 rap fans adore co-signs
I don’t give a f***. If it don’t have replay value it doesn’t matter how critically acclaimed it is
TPAB has no replay value? Exposing yourself again
You probably have no desire to give it another shot just because of all the praise it gets. Don't speak on things you know nothing about you edgy contrarian
The better one
TPAB has no replay value? Exposing yourself again
You probably have no desire to give it another shot just because of all the praise it gets. Don't speak on things you know nothing about you edgy contrarian
TPAB got no replay value besides a few individual songs.
Imagine listening to "This d*** ain't freeeeeee" 5 times a day every day of the week or sitting through that whole Pac interview
TPAB got no replay value besides a few individual songs.
Imagine listening to "This d*** ain't freeeeeee" 5 times a day every day of the week or sitting through that whole Pac interview
Post the tracks with the alien voice or stfu.
Post the tracks with the alien voice or stfu.
Kendrick got a weird ass voice fam
He sounds like his balls haven't dropped yet
Kendrick got a weird ass voice fam
He sounds like his balls haven't dropped yet
Post a Vocaroo or stfu.
Post a Vocaroo or stfu.
Sus. I'm not 5'2 so I don't have the voice of a little kid, don't worry about my voice.
These two albums are somewhat comparable. Both have an old school soul element to them. Also, Kendrick and .Paak are on similar level talent wise.
I’m going with Yes Lawd! because that album is more wavy. Songs like Kutlass, Suede, Sidepiece makes me feel like an old school playa like Shaft or someone. It’s easier to connect with Yes Lawd! over TPAB imo. TPAB is a good album and it sounds more interesting production wise, but it’s too much going on with it. It’s one of them albums I gotta be in the mood for to play.
i reported you for making this dumb ass comparison thread
TPAB has no replay value? Exposing yourself again
You probably have no desire to give it another shot just because of all the praise it gets. Don't speak on things you know nothing about you edgy contrarian
You’re projecting so hard on me right now
I’m not sure how many times I have to spell it out for you: I don’t give a f*** about critical acclaim. I don’t listen to things based on them being critically acclaimed or not. That’s casual s***. If the s*** makes me want to go back and replay it, then I do. Thriller is the greatest pop album of all time and has infinite replay value. Illmatic is highly acclaimed and has infinite replay value.
This has nothing to do with acclaim. I just have no desire to return to TPAB. It excels at what it sets out to do, but I don’t care to listen again. Stop being so insecure about your taste, casual
Anderson pakk NXworries to be exact. Gotta check it out.
I don’t like most of Paak’s work as some of yall do, but i will try to check it
You’re projecting so hard on me right now
I’m not sure how many times I have to spell it out for you: I don’t give a f*** about critical acclaim. I don’t listen to things based on them being critically acclaimed or not. That’s casual s***. If the s*** makes me want to go back and replay it, then I do. Thriller is the greatest pop album of all time and has infinite replay value. Illmatic is highly acclaimed and has infinite replay value.
This has nothing to do with acclaim. I just have no desire to return to TPAB. It excels at what it sets out to do, but I don’t care to listen again. Stop being so insecure about your taste, casual
I reminisce on park jams, my man was shot for his sheep coat
Choco blunts'll make me see him drop in my weed smoke
Kendrick can't compare
I don’t like most of Paak’s work as some of yall do, but i will try to check it
Ventura & Oxnard are my favourites. I believe most choose Malibu. Great album my top 3 not top 2. Check out Ventura if you want some soulful grooves from Pakk.
I reminisce on park jams, my man was shot for his sheep coat
Choco blunts'll make me see him drop in my weed smoke
Kendrick can't compare
Literally he cannot
Ventura & Oxnard are my favourites. I believe most choose Malibu. Great album my top 3 not top 2. Check out Ventura if you want some soulful grooves from Pakk.
As a huge Paak fan I think Yes Lawd has most of his best songs then it's a tie between Malibu and Ventura