If this is the case why didn't he just kill everyone in the investors meeting? How do we really know who's pointing a fictional gun at us if we don't talk to them?
Im not saying thats the case im saying there are cases where its necessary and i think this is one of them, i think you got great intentions tho i just disagree with you
@aauraa tell us the non-violent means of seizing power away from the powerful that allow corruption witihin things like healthcare, discrimination, wage gaps, police brutality, etc.
would love to hear it.
fear will always drive the rich towards insanity worse than picket signs.
tried to start a thread on this but got automoved into relationship sxn, its over
Please no lmao
Ok I did understand this view for a second, but I'm not with it anymore. I understand that starting a discussion and gaining attention towards this cause is why a lot of people are happy about this. I'd be happy about changes and attention around healthcare too, however I don't want someone to die for changes to start. I don't really care for any of this if we're just gonna keep acting like murder is the ONLY tool to garner attention towards changing healthcare.
If you don’t want people to die then you need to take that up with those who possess the power to dictate terms of change
We cannot begin change without violence because the rich and powerful will violently defend their system the same way they violently enforce it
@aauraa tell us the non-violent means of seizing power away from the powerful that allow corruption witihin things like healthcare, discrimination, wage gaps, police brutality, etc.
would love to hear it.
i do not know
Like I can’t see it as anything short of disrespectful to just shut down these ideas because of ur moral proclivities and then not offering any sort of constructive critique
Just straight denial of any sort of solution and wasting everyone’s time, especially your own since you’re a few steps behind
Like I can’t see it as anything short of disrespectful to just shut down these ideas because of ur moral proclivities and then not offering any sort of constructive critique
Just straight denial of any sort of solution and wasting everyone’s time, especially your own since you’re a few steps behind
I can't hear people out anymore or challenge my views?
I can't hear people out anymore or challenge my views?
Quite the opposite, you’re failing to do a good job of challenging anything. How are you gonna convince anyone of what you believe when you can’t even apply your beliefs to the topic?
Quite the opposite, you’re failing to do a good job of challenging anything. How are you gonna convince anyone of what you believe when you can’t even apply your beliefs to the topic?
ok, but I can't hear people out?
Media trying so hard to make it look like only a minority of people are indifferent about this act lol
F*** health care companies
tried to start a thread on this but got automoved into relationship sxn, its over
Imagine if George Washington didn’t start knocking down the Brits and just asked them pretty plz if they could treat America better
Imagine if George Washington didn’t start knocking down the Brits and just asked them pretty plz if they could treat America better
fr cause the last time someone did that it created India
Tbh unless they can directly prove he was in NYC (probably via referencing a fake ID with hotel check ins) then he might not get time