Just heard the news ... WTF ? What is the world turning into ? RIP to that man and hope his familly find peace.
Dumb ass
Are y'all buying the McDonald's employee snitching? I feel like they just have an advanced level of surveillance beyond our comprehension and needed a legal method to secure him.
Are y'all buying the McDonald's employee snitching? I feel like they just have an advanced level of surveillance beyond our comprehension and needed a legal method to secure him.
I was just about to say “it’s possible”
In on Breloom becoming a symbol of class consciousness and revolution
Just seen a commercial for Amazon using the song “what the world needs now, is love, sweet love.”
And this is why we need violence sometimes because corporations crush peasants beneath their boots earning billions on the backs of underpaid workers and then turn around and preach love and peace because that lets them keep the status quo
Bro should have grown a beard or had a disguise
He was arrested like 5 days after doing it, the stubble he has rn is all the beard he could grow
Need all you "What's the point, that CEO will just be replaced immediately" mfs to see this. We were all aware of these greedy ass corporations but Luigi made it a global conversation topic
I actually hope he inspires copycats
The system isnt built to correct these problems, united healthcare was able to ruin and cause the loss of tens of thousands of lives legally, if their morals and the system allow for this then whats gonna make any type of change? I think the only option is radical crazy s*** to atleast make them fear the public and act like they work for us which they shouldve been doing in the first place
My nigga
No confirmation on this but
Dude seemed to be very popular and well liked
NYT told their writers to chill on using his mugshot so much cause hes too hot
Are y'all buying the McDonald's employee snitching? I feel like they just have an advanced level of surveillance beyond our comprehension and needed a legal method to secure him.
They used that dark knight s*** on em
The lore for this guy is weird.
Conflicting opinions, I don't really give a s*** about CEOs of huge companies that treat employees or the public badly. However it's kind of pointless to kill a CEO because they'll just get replaced immediately. It's also still murder at the end of the day. I don't want to hear about how the CEO of a company has "blood on their hands" either. Especially when most of the work or decisions within that company aren't even made close to that guys realm or awareness.
You can feel however you like about the shooter and his methods but do not deceive yourself, the CEO was himself a murderer and a thief. Intentionally denying people medicine that they had already purchased is how he made a living
Considering this isn't the guy I won't be surprised if he "commits suicide" some time in the next couple months
In on Breloom becoming a symbol of class consciousness and revolution
Someone photoshop Breloom into this
He was arrested like 5 days after doing it, the stubble he has rn is all the beard he could grow
He needed a disguise
Can’t believe they put him behind bars. He was an icon to so many people. Really saddening
NYT told their writers to chill on using his mugshot so much cause hes too hot
NYT been lame
No confirmation on this but
Dude seemed to be very popular and well liked
Bro was an angel unironically