  • Jul 6, 2020

    The f***ing insecurity from these people

    The same ones to tell you that polling technology has advanced so much in the last 4 years so how can you not believe the polls now?

    This election is over. Who yall want for 2024?

    Got my eye on Andrew Yang right now.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    wow something we actually agree on



  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    if Biden loses in 2020 the democrats will get desperate, AOC gonna be the nominee in 2024.

  • Jul 6, 2020

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    if Biden loses in 2020 the democrats will get desperate, AOC gonna be the nominee in 2024.

    i lowkey think both parties are hoping their candidate loses. i think a lot of more left progressives want biden to lose so the DNC doesn't cement their legacy as running neoliberals (which they will use biden as proof of forever), and a lot of the right wants trump to lose so they can either;
    A) if they're corporatists, say "well sorry guys, tucker calson's and trump's populist rhetoric just didn't work out. back to pseudo-libertarianism with evangelical characteristics, haha" (i.e. Graham)
    B) if they're hard right, say "see, trump didn't go far enough. it's our mission to go further" (i.e. Hawley & Cotton)

    I think Biden is going to win for the record

  • Jul 6, 2020

    trump aint gon win but yes it shows you how sad of a candidate biden really is.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply


  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Do you have amnesia

  • Jul 6, 2020
    3 replies

    Do you have amnesia

    Don't ever quote me again nazi.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    fun guy

    Don't ever quote me again nazi.

    Lmfao what the f***? 😂

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    i lowkey think both parties are hoping their candidate loses. i think a lot of more left progressives want biden to lose so the DNC doesn't cement their legacy as running neoliberals (which they will use biden as proof of forever), and a lot of the right wants trump to lose so they can either;
    A) if they're corporatists, say "well sorry guys, tucker calson's and trump's populist rhetoric just didn't work out. back to pseudo-libertarianism with evangelical characteristics, haha" (i.e. Graham)
    B) if they're hard right, say "see, trump didn't go far enough. it's our mission to go further" (i.e. Hawley & Cotton)

    I think Biden is going to win for the record

    Ya no. The only Democrats that actually want Biden to lose are the more “far left” Sander supporters type people. And they aren’t the majority obviously, otherwise Sanders would be the nominee.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Ya no. The only Democrats that actually want Biden to lose are the more “far left” Sander supporters type people. And they aren’t the majority obviously, otherwise Sanders would be the nominee.

    yes that's what i meant to allude to

    however i do think the DNC separately wants Biden to lose because they make an asinine amount of money from donations as well as the associated media getting record clicks & ratings off of Trump's presidency which will immediately die under Biden once the big bad wolf to rally against in the WH is gone

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Ain’t nobody really worried about some dumbass kids voting for Ye. Biden is beating Trump among those 65 years or older, the most reliable voting block and one Hillary lost by 8 points.

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    yes that's what i meant to allude to

    however i do think the DNC separately wants Biden to lose because they make an asinine amount of money from donations as well as the associated media getting record clicks & ratings off of Trump's presidency which will immediately die under Biden once the big bad wolf to rally against in the WH is gone

    I feel the same way about the DNC. Trump is a money printer for them, they don't wanna change that. Sanders had too much of a chance at winning. I think Biden has a decent chance of winning tbh, it's gonna be closer than 2016 but the people that run the DNC only care about the money in their pocket.

  • Jul 7, 2020
    2 replies

    Definitely plausible that Trump loses. I’ve been corned that he would win for the longest, but if the election were held today he would lose. If he wants to win he will need to make serious fixes in the next 4 months. The economy needs to be coming back strong, but his response to Corona also needs to be good. He’s risking one to save the other rn and he’s f***ing them both up

  • Jul 7, 2020
    2 replies

    They really think trump gonna lose at the same time imma laugh my ass off when Biden loses by a landslide

  • Jul 7, 2020
    2 replies

    They really think trump gonna lose at the same time imma laugh my ass off when Biden loses by a landslide

    all biden has to do to win is repeat 2016 but win PA & FL. alternatively he could win through PA, MI, and WI. Neither of those are especially unrealistic. I am absolutely no biden fan and i predicted trump winning in 2016 but i don't think this is as set in stone as people think

  • Jul 7, 2020
    krishna bound

    all biden has to do to win is repeat 2016 but win PA & FL. alternatively he could win through PA, MI, and WI. Neither of those are especially unrealistic. I am absolutely no biden fan and i predicted trump winning in 2016 but i don't think this is as set in stone as people think

    yup a few months ago i wouldve given trump a 75% chance at reelection. now ive got it like 55-45

    all biden has to do is not say anything while paying lip service to progressives with these little task forces while the world crumbles around trump

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    wow something we actually agree on



    Damn rip the wiz avy

  • Jul 7, 2020

    Ain’t nobody really worried about some dumbass kids voting for Ye. Biden is beating Trump among those 65 years or older, the most reliable voting block and one Hillary lost by 8 points.

    I should’ve mention that Trump is currently losing this demo by TWENTY-ONE POINTS

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel the same way about the DNC. Trump is a money printer for them, they don't wanna change that. Sanders had too much of a chance at winning. I think Biden has a decent chance of winning tbh, it's gonna be closer than 2016 but the people that run the DNC only care about the money in their pocket.

    It’s literally impossible for anything to be closer than 2016. Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all by less than 1%. And won Florida by 1.2%

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    all biden has to do to win is repeat 2016 but win PA & FL. alternatively he could win through PA, MI, and WI. Neither of those are especially unrealistic. I am absolutely no biden fan and i predicted trump winning in 2016 but i don't think this is as set in stone as people think

    Yeah and all four are extremely possible when you look at the fact Trump just f***ing barely won any of them in 2016.

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s literally impossible for anything to be closer than 2016. Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania all by less than 1%. And won Florida by 1.2%

    They could split them states though, biden takes a couple, trump takes a couple... Unfortunately I see trump winning all of them again though

  • biden supporters almost worse than maga