  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    The premise of the OP would've been stronger if you left out the part about "no one can give good examples"

    You think 'anti-wokeness' is corny, fair enough. You can just stand on that, without pretending there aren't examples where people are gonna obviously think s*** went too far, like this Roald Dahl example here

    Cause when people give you examples like this (this Roald Dahl one is a great example of a ridiculous over-correction), and you just ignore it or eurostep it, or make up a reason why this or that example doesn't count, makes the argument look weak

    A more consistent argument would be to just acknowledge an example like this and say, "this is a good thing! why do you WANT to offend someone by suggesting a woman might work as a cashier instead of a top scientist!"

  • Feb 25, 2023
    Dedication 666

    I said it's corny when people are like that and can't give good examples lol I didn't say nobody can ever give any just that the ones who can't are corny...words got twisted I'm afraid

  • Feb 25, 2023

    Exactly lol it almost always boils down to s*** like that being what they're really upset about and then u just can't help but look at them funny going forward

    Nobody's throwing you in jail over those viewpoints but doesn't mean they gotta keep associating with you either personally or professionally

    Yeah but it's so much easier to throw a f***ing tantrum about censorship and how you can't say anything anymore 🙄 meanwhile people actually get rights taken away from them but I guess it's a way bigger issue that 50 year old white people can't say the racist slurs they used to say in their youth anymore

  • Feb 25, 2023

    Crazy how freedom of speech has been twisted into this weird thing where its just about being able to be a bigot without consequence freedom of speech isn't meant to be a tool for oppressors

    this exactly

    i personally think people have gotten soft, but whatever

    if it means i can’t tell a joke or two because it genuinely offends someone on a deeper level, i’m fine with that

    i hate when niggas pull this card just to get their racist jokes off

  • Feb 25, 2023
    2 replies

    That's such a weird and extreme exemple

    i've been seeing more and more of this in the oddest of ways.

    I'm somebody who considers himself left leaning but I hate when write people off as mfs wanting to be offensive when there's a bunch of weird discourse about s***.

    Like when the trans teenger Brianna Ghey got murdered it felt weird to me that people were debating over the #SayHerName hashtag when her body wasn't even cold.

    some of the discussion just feels useless

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    As a black person I feel like I should be able to voice when I feel like I'm being pandered too or when people's "progressiveness" just feels like the end result of somebody trying to get with the times and not coming from a genuine place.

    It shouldn't be a problem to question that lol

  • Feb 25, 2023
    3 replies

    As a black person I feel like I should be able to voice when I feel like I'm being pandered too or when people's "progressiveness" just feels like the end result of somebody trying to get with the times and not coming from a genuine place.

    It shouldn't be a problem to question that lol

    i’m black and i live in germany bruh. the amount of times i had „woke“ white girls tell me what to get offended by is f***ing absurd. never afraid to call them hoes out on it. i hate those weirdos

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    i've been seeing more and more of this in the oddest of ways.

    I'm somebody who considers himself left leaning but I hate when write people off as mfs wanting to be offensive when there's a bunch of weird discourse about s***.

    Like when the trans teenger Brianna Ghey got murdered it felt weird to me that people were debating over the #SayHerName hashtag when her body wasn't even cold.

    some of the discussion just feels useless

    Yah people have a tendency to get lost in discourse unfortunately, even though I'm sure it stemmed from a good sentiment at first

  • Feb 25, 2023

    i've been seeing more and more of this in the oddest of ways.

    I'm somebody who considers himself left leaning but I hate when write people off as mfs wanting to be offensive when there's a bunch of weird discourse about s***.

    Like when the trans teenger Brianna Ghey got murdered it felt weird to me that people were debating over the #SayHerName hashtag when her body wasn't even cold.

    some of the discussion just feels useless

    Very sad exemple too that unfortunately shows people get murdered while others cry about not being able to say they want these same people dead

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Op post to name ratio of the charts

  • Feb 25, 2023

    Yah people have a tendency to get lost in discourse unfortunately, even though I'm sure it stemmed from a good sentiment at first

    I understand the too sensitive argument to an extent because there are situations where that applies for sure...I still feel it's best to try to still be sensitive to their situation though vs insulting or making fun of them and do my best to treat people how I'd like to be treated which is what I feel more people should do instead of going in defensive mode when someone doesn't like their comments or actions...obviously there's situations where you have to be an a****** sometimes but that's not what this is about

  • Feb 25, 2023

    Op post to name ratio of the charts

    I'm going to take this as a compliment and also should note I just don't feel like updating my username (which was made quite some time ago) because I want all the regulars on here who I interact with to remember me still

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Feb 25, 2023

    Crazy how freedom of speech has been twisted into this weird thing where its just about being able to be a bigot without consequence freedom of speech isn't meant to be a tool for oppressors

    Doesn't make sense talking doesn't even cost money how would you even pay to talk

  • Feb 25, 2023

    To be completely honest I don't understand what the big deal is about those Dahl quotes lol seems like those are pretty silly changes to get upset about or even draw awareness to

    a ton of “minor changes” can add up to a massive shift in reality

  • Feb 25, 2023

    this is such a tired topic

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Crazy how freedom of speech has been twisted into this weird thing where its just about being able to be a bigot without consequence freedom of speech isn't meant to be a tool for oppressors

    i think the problem is that ‘freedom of speech’ is a bit of a misnomer. really any limit at all on being able to say whatever you want (including hate speech) isnt true freedom of speech if we wanna be true to its definition lol

    its probably cause saying you were anti freedom of speech was seen as dirty historically, which is why we’re left with this weird half definition of it

  • Feb 25, 2023

    i’m black and i live in germany bruh. the amount of times i had „woke“ white girls tell me what to get offended by is f***ing absurd. never afraid to call them hoes out on it. i hate those weirdos

    love the depleted look on a white woman’s face when you do that, top tier pleasure

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    To be completely honest I don't understand what the big deal is about those Dahl quotes lol seems like those are pretty silly changes to get upset about or even draw awareness to

    They're just very poorly done tbh

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    i think the problem is that ‘freedom of speech’ is a bit of a misnomer. really any limit at all on being able to say whatever you want (including hate speech) isnt true freedom of speech if we wanna be true to its definition lol

    its probably cause saying you were anti freedom of speech was seen as dirty historically, which is why we’re left with this weird half definition of it

    Freedom was never about complete freedom of doing litteraly whatever... Obviously there are limits, you can't just kill people in the streets, and while its a bit of a silly comparison the same limits apply to freedom of speech

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Freedom was never about complete freedom of doing litteraly whatever... Obviously there are limits, you can't just kill people in the streets, and while its a bit of a silly comparison the same limits apply to freedom of speech

    nah thats not a silly comparison at all. its a good way to put it

  • Feb 25, 2023

    nah thats not a silly comparison at all. its a good way to put it

    People forget bigotry was never supposed to be included in the freedom of speech package

  • Feb 25, 2023

    In a lot of countries you can't just publicly be racist, homophobic, etc. Like there are actual laws that say youre not allowed to do it, obviously they rarely ever do anythijg but it's still something

  • Feb 25, 2023
    1 reply

    They're just very poorly done tbh

    I didn't know the context beforehand and honestly was not familiar with the story at all...I just looked at the comparison quotes and it didn't seem to me that it was a big enough difference to make a big deal about but also didn't think the original text was anything that offensive either...after getting context I land on the side of not censoring pieces of work even if it had been something I personally didn't agree with

  • Feb 25, 2023

    I didn't know the context beforehand and honestly was not familiar with the story at all...I just looked at the comparison quotes and it didn't seem to me that it was a big enough difference to make a big deal about but also didn't think the original text was anything that offensive either...after getting context I land on the side of not censoring pieces of work even if it had been something I personally didn't agree with

    And some of the changes make really no sense at all like "tiny" being removed when talking about a "tiny drum" like who's even getting offended by a drum being described as tiny
