Same with the witch needing to work a regular job to not get noticed, of course a cashier makes more sense than a top scientist
Same with the witch needing to work a regular job to not get noticed, of course a cashier makes more sense than a top scientist
it's like an AI system was given a bunch of potentially offensive wording and ran wild with it...calling a person "tiny" sure I could see how someone could be offended by that but tiny drum? lol nonsense
i’m black and i live in germany bruh. the amount of times i had „woke“ white girls tell me what to get offended by is f***ing absurd. never afraid to call them hoes out on it. i hate those weirdos
That's wild, wtf what part of Germany you in, I was in Berlin a few months ago and didn't come across that. Interesting
I'm definitely not talking about just getting jokes off about someone on TV or talking about ppl who just actively complain about not being able to say things they used to be able to say
When I was a kid I threw around the word as a general insult like a****** or punk or whatever...ppl still wanna do that s*** in 2023 though and it's like c'mon we as society kinda outgrew that why can't you?
What is the discretion, why is it okay to make a mockery of certain parameters beyond peoples control that they were born with, and not others? Is it the social ramifications of one, that the other does not have? We shouldn’t be making fun of people on TV for being LGBTQ, right - so shouldn’t the same courtesy extend to other qualities they were born with? It seems strange to take one so seriously and handwave another like ‘oh that one isn’t serious.’
When you put it that way, it makes it seem it seem more like a social precaution than anything else.
Woke white girls the absolute worst
people who complain about wokeness and cancel culture going too far but can't give any good examples lol the "people are too sensitive" folks
why do you WANT to offend someone?
why do you WANT to say ignorant/stupid s***?
always some "everyone's entitled to their own opinion" a****** too when those opinions happen to be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.
and aren't you ALSO too sensitive if you gotta whine and complain constantly about not being able to say things you used to get away with saying or treating people how you used to be able to treat them instead of just growing the f*** up? was hanging with some people last night and this topic was brought up by someone who's married with kids lol like sorry you probably feel like you're walking on eggshells in your own household but there's plenty of edgy content out there still and you're still free to think what you want people are just also free to not f*** with you because of that
"I miss when there were titties in Game of Thrones"...fam go watch p*** lmao
It’s always the same type of simple minded people who can’t process a conversation past a surface level who think like this. And are usually guilty of some s*** too
@op this is a good example of what people say when they mean "woke culture" has gone too far lol
There's a video of a p*** star doing s*** on camera in public and people were on twitter saying she was raped, even though she said she consented to it folks was tryna be like "how was i supposed to know" like maybe don't jump to conclusions lol how was I supposed to know that from a glance while also on the other side throwing a rape accusation is crazy
That's wild, wtf what part of Germany you in, I was in Berlin a few months ago and didn't come across that. Interesting
hamburg. it’s not an everyday thing, but i’ve encountered it enough for it to get on my nerves. you can just tell when someone is trying to be „woke“ just for the sake of it. i hate those pretentious mfs with a passion
Saying how was I supposed to know that from a glance while also on the other side throwing a rape accusation is crazy
son lmaooooo insanity
What is the discretion, why is it okay to make a mockery of certain parameters beyond peoples control that they were born with, and not others? Is it the social ramifications of one, that the other does not have? We shouldn’t be making fun of people on TV for being LGBTQ, right - so shouldn’t the same courtesy extend to other qualities they were born with? It seems strange to take one so seriously and handwave another like ‘oh that one isn’t serious.’
When you put it that way, it makes it seem it seem more like a social precaution than anything else.
I feel you are twisting or possibly just misinterpreting my words (admittedly I could have worded that better probably)...I'm not concerned with what somebody watches on tv or finds funny...did I say at any point that Chappelle or whoever shouldn't be ALLOWED to say offensive s*** about whatever group of people? point if anything was that they are allowed to so I don't understand why people act like there's some huge cancel culture conspiracy to silence them all lol Louis CK just did a MSG show like initial post was someone complaining about people being too sensitive and that we "went too far" with cancel culture but couldn't back it up with any real points...I just mentioned Chappelle as someone who took the critiques of his act personally and now won't get away from the topic to where it's become all people talk about when it comes to the guy and overshadows his other s*** other point being if someone is sensitive to something you said or did and expresses that to should respect that instead of going into defensive mode about your right to be ignorant and continue upsetting them bc that's now bully s***
You can
niggas act like the content that you consume is inherently tied to your political / ethical beliefs
like i cant even say i like harry potter because niggas will think im a transphobe and ive seen it happen irl like f*** JKR ofc but just cause i like the story doesnt mean i like her
niggas act like the content that you consume is inherently tied to your political / ethical beliefs
like i cant even say i like harry potter because niggas will think im a transphobe and ive seen it happen irl like f*** JKR ofc but just cause i like the story doesnt mean i like her
You're right and that is extreme but those ppl are idiots...I think there's a larger majority that still likes HP even if they don't like her anymore
im not usually a horshoe theory ass mf but niggas who are overly woke are the same class as mfs who want unadulterated free speech to me
like if you excuse racism, sexism, etc under the banner of "free speech" youre a goofy ofc but mfs who have to find an issue with everything are goofy as well
hamburg. it’s not an everyday thing, but i’ve encountered it enough for it to get on my nerves. you can just tell when someone is trying to be „woke“ just for the sake of it. i hate those pretentious mfs with a passion
Was geht habub
The real corny s*** is the idiots who complain about free speech but don’t know the definition of free speech
Holy s*** shut up.
im not usually a horshoe theory ass mf but niggas who are overly woke are the same class as mfs who want unadulterated free speech to me
like if you excuse racism, sexism, etc under the banner of "free speech" youre a goofy ofc but mfs who have to find an issue with everything are goofy as well
I feel that...especially with things like pronouns and whatnot it's fine to educate someone on what you prefer to be identified as and they should make an effort to respect those wishes but if they slip up occasionally I also don't think it should be the end of the world bc it's a relatively new thing and older generations just take time to understand things like that...doesn't mean there shouldn't be an effort made to respect their wishes though
That's wild, wtf what part of Germany you in, I was in Berlin a few months ago and didn't come across that. Interesting
You’re in Berlin and didn’t run across overzealous white women yet? F*** kinda Berlin you’re in, 1988?😂
i’m black and i live in germany bruh. the amount of times i had „woke“ white girls tell me what to get offended by is f***ing absurd. never afraid to call them hoes out on it. i hate those weirdos
Did anyone ever call you African-American
You’re in Berlin and didn’t run across overzealous white women yet? F*** kinda Berlin you’re in, 1988?😂
I was lmao I'm back in NY. But idk i got real lucky I suppose lmao