Cancel culture and 'wokeness' do exist, but it's not necessarily to the extent that people are worried about. Identity politics as a whole are stupid and completely deride the ultimate direction of a productive society.
It's a completely manufactured culture war made by the large media corporations to create division.
Cancel culture and 'wokeness' do exist, but it's not necessarily to the extent that people are worried about. Identity politics as a whole are stupid and completely deride the ultimate direction of a productive society.
It's a completely manufactured culture war made by the large media corporations to create division.
still waiting on that mil
What is the discretion, why is it okay to make a mockery of certain parameters beyond peoples control that they were born with, and not others? Is it the social ramifications of one, that the other does not have? We shouldn’t be making fun of people on TV for being LGBTQ, right - so shouldn’t the same courtesy extend to other qualities they were born with? It seems strange to take one so seriously and handwave another like ‘oh that one isn’t serious.’
When you put it that way, it makes it seem it seem more like a social precaution than anything else.
Well what makes one worse than the other is history, context, who is in a position of power, and most importantly how these parameters intersect to people falling through the cracks and becoming the butt of a joke. People are genuinely trying to be more inclusive and most of the responses here and on the rest of the Internet is how we're getting "soft" or how it's all "identity politics".
What I have noticed is the people who will downplay or reject that change is necessary are often already in a position of privilege and the changes don't affect them in any way. Just like Roald Dahl book changes that someone here posted. 99% of KTT is young and male so misogynistic and ageist language flies over their heads and they don't see why these things deserve to be changed.
Well what makes one worse than the other is history, context, who is in a position of power, and most importantly how these parameters intersect to people falling through the cracks and becoming the butt of a joke. People are genuinely trying to be more inclusive and most of the responses here and on the rest of the Internet is how we're getting "soft" or how it's all "identity politics".
What I have noticed is the people who will downplay or reject that change is necessary are often already in a position of privilege and the changes don't affect them in any way. Just like Roald Dahl book changes that someone here posted. 99% of KTT is young and male so misogynistic and ageist language flies over their heads and they don't see why these things deserve to be changed.
What's the point of changing books from half a century ago? There are hundreds of new books coming out every months with language more adequate to the current paradigm so why go through the effort of changing someone's work especially after they're gone
It's counter productive when you could also just get books written by women authors, etc. instead
I just think it’s weird to get up in arms about people that are clearly just dumb/ignorant or not online enough to pander to leftist sensibilities in every little way
I just think it’s weird to get up in arms about people that are clearly just dumb/ignorant or not online enough to pander to leftist sensibilities in every little way
well that's an exaggeration
What's the point of changing books from half a century ago? There are hundreds of new books coming out every months with language more adequate to the current paradigm so why go through the effort of changing someone's work especially after they're gone
The changes are neutral to positive in nature. Why not change it if you have the power to? They don't harm anyone, and at a mininum they benefit everyone. If you were the publisher and rightsholder of the books, why wouldn't you want to make that changes when given the feedback? This idea that narratives are set into stone is conservative thinking at best and cynicism at its worst. Narratives have always changed over time, especially those of children's books to reflect the zeitgeist of the time.
The changes are neutral to positive in nature. Why not change it if you have the power to? They don't harm anyone, and at a mininum they benefit everyone. If you were the publisher and rightsholder of the books, why wouldn't you want to make that changes when given the feedback? This idea that narratives are set into stone is conservative thinking at best and cynicism at its worst. Narratives have always changed over time, especially those of children's books to reflect the zeitgeist of the time.
I also think it's cynical to make someone's work more inclusive when that person didn't stand for any of that and was a known antisemite and racist instead of pushing new books by more diverse authors
Yea countries gettin too soft bring back GOT titties
Nah cause a kid gone be watching it in the living room and get blamed when them mid ass titties come out
the kids are way too sensitive these days tho
flew my second ballet teacher in so she could teach some masterclasses and cuz it's like a vacation lowkey since we hook her up with a massage and spa visit while she here. she like my momma lowkey. Anyway she teaches ballet up in Denver and she been talking about some of the kids these days, and they are Charmin soft it's wild. she cant push em like she did just 8-9 years ago when i was there, and she was never some crazy Russian doing anything even close to bordering on abuse, emotional or physical, I'm talking like encouraging them to go for a quad pirouette when they hit a triple. the kids are broken man. just well too f***ed up by the internet fr
lol all kids I see are stoic to a scary degree
its like they don give af about doing anything besides watching tik toks and if theyre older its about being depressed and drunk 5/7 times a week
whenever I hear about people complaining in education that "you cannot properly teach children anymore" for whatever reason its complaints from the parents side
"Ohhh you cannot say anything anymore these days" or among these lines is what like 90% of middle aged people say to me
absolute p****s its like people just turn 40 and think OK time for me to stop learning, improving and think they know everything now
the arrogance is hilarious especially cause im not seeing that they all happy either
It’s not about trying to offend anyone. It’s about being able to freely speak your mind without the threat of being banned
It’s not about trying to offend anyone. It’s about being able to freely speak your mind without the threat of being banned
who has been banned recently from speaking their mind (that isn't offending people?)...and don't use examples of ppl who were banned from saying it on a particular outlet bc that's within that outlets right if it goes against their values and they can usually find another outlet pretty quick
Yea I mean I get opposition to like overpolicing everything but I’d say a lot of these people just sensitive about getting called out for being bigoted.
My uncle literally gets triggered by the word vegan lmfao
who has been banned recently from speaking their mind (that isn't offending people?)...and don't use examples of ppl who were banned from saying it on a particular outlet bc that's within that outlets right if it goes against their values and they can usually find another outlet pretty quick
A lot of people have been banned, that’s pretty obvious. TikTok and Twitter are probably the most free speech apps now. I like what they’re doing
A lot of people have been banned, that’s pretty obvious. TikTok and Twitter are probably the most free speech apps now. I like what they’re doing
it's not obvious if you can't name a specific example lol most of the people removed from larger platforms were spewing hate and garbage and yet like just admitted there's still outlets that will let them spew that s*** so where's the ban? not like they're getting thrown in jail or executed over it
This is not the point Lmaooooo
You couldn't pay me enough to srsly engage with a 'point' about Matilda being edited lmao
Who gives a f***
they do...but not like they used to apparently
god forbid we have intimacy coordinators on set now to make sure actors are comfortable with what they're being asked to do...damn woke culture strikes again lol
GoT ended 5 years ago nigga