Damn he looks dejected he definitely getting some years
Poker face. A big smile on his face won’t convey that he’s sorry and it’ll never happen again. Gotta ensure that slap on the wrist
Damn he looks dejected he definitely getting some years
that was always gonna happen.
the difference is knowing those years have a end date is what his team is probably hoping for.
firearm charges is still firearm charges.
Currently on standby
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFQoQ52-9bsWhole family huddled by the tv for this like the moon landing
Poker face. A big smile on his face won’t convey that he’s sorry and it’ll never happen again. Gotta ensure that slap on the wrist
Bro, thug just brought up leaving the decision in the judges hands versus continuing to fight the case with his already winning team. That’s why they needed time to talk
This could decide the election next week if Trump or Kamala promised to free him if elected
For the last time, it’s a state case. The President can’t do anything about it.
fam I don't speak law, did thug fumble?
In basketball terms, he throwing up a half court
fam I don't speak law, did thug fumble?
Thug and his team had an agreement with the prosecution and now it was going to be up to the judge to decide. If the judge denied, they would have edited the agreement or Thug’s team would have rescinded and taken the case to trial.
Non-negotiated plea which Thug just brought up outta nowhere is a blind plea. Whatever the judge decides, you are stuck with that decision. The teams can also decided on a cap of years so like the prosecution might say 15 and thug’s team might say 5, and now the judge gets to decide what number in that range but you are still blind to the decision
He fumbled, but they recovered the ball and there’s still a chance.
i think he did enough reflectin
i think my brother lerned his lesson
if u can learn ur lesson after being locked up for a couple days, so can thugger
if u can learn ur lesson after being locked up for a couple days, so can thugger
i learned nothing
i learned nothing
ban him @mod
In basketball terms, he throwing up a half court
Okay but is he Steph or a fan from the crowd with money on the line