This about to be Thug at the mandatory concerts
Mando Fulton County Court concerts is wild
I'd Kanye/Tyler that s*** and just do listening sessions sometimes
Drake on IG
Hate what Metro did to the tracklisting of this album but this a phenomenal song
My grandma let that s*** off herself
I asked her to get a weapon someone tried to break in 2022 first time in 60 years
On everything I would snap
That bought me legacy of goku
Young Thug's plea docs
Nolo Contendre
Two of the most beautiful words in the English dictionary I stg let me tell yall from experience
@sab going crazy on twitter
Cant believe they let him off Nolo Contendre
I'm dying. A Nolo on a Rico is insanity
Cant believe they let him off Nolo Contendre
I'm dying. A Nolo on a Rico is insanity
Tbh, he could've rode this out a little longer but if they letting you get that off
Might as well
I like Durk music way more than Thug's
Nolo pretty much means yeah i did it and I don't wanna plead guilty but the deal is too good for me to not pleade guilty and take the deal
I myself said '...well s***, I plead Nolo Contendre...' and it went well for me
It's for when they don't even wanna deal with you or their case is weak but they still have you on the hook
It's for when they don't even wanna deal with you or their case is weak but they still have you on the hook
thanks lawyer ass nigga
Tbh, he could've rode this out a little longer but if they letting you get that off
Might as well
It's tricky fam
You piss the prosecution off if you reject it and the judge might look at the case unfavorable towards you, in terms of motions filed or objections
You take it when you need to take it. It's quite similar to Gunna's Alford plea
Nolo Contendre
Two of the most beautiful words in the English dictionary I stg let me tell yall from experience
Agreed nolo contendre has saved me every single time
Agreed nolo contendre has saved me every single time
You don't even know what it is until it saves your motherfucking ass
You don't even know what it is until it saves your motherfucking ass
Asking over and over “are you sure I’m not pleading guilty” goddamn i don’t miss those days
It's tricky fam
You piss the prosecution off if you reject it and the judge might look at the case unfavorable towards you, in terms of motions filed or objections
You take it when you need to take it. It's quite similar to Gunna's Alford plea
the prosecutors didnt want to allow nolo pleas
they wanted him to plea guilty--that was one of the contention points of their proposed plea agreement thug rejected
the judge allowed the nolos since it went to her to decide the plea agreement specifications, probably just to move the whole thing along without further delay to the trial since she probably was going to give him the same package regardless of the nolo/guilty plea