fuc u love
so are they just going over everything? what's the point of this? i know nothing about court
sounds like a hail mary but what do i know
she brought up the lil wayne incident WHAT
she got all the facts about it wrong too
Really cant understand his team advising him to take this plea when theyve had mistrials and public opinion on it getting dismissed even by the DA running for office.
When they said “plea he might come home “ I thought theyd drop charges except maybe the gun one and them accept time served but they kept them and doesnt sound like a time served thing or any good reason to have taken the plea
Thug prolly was losing a lotta money
Birdman needs to be in jail
Sick mf put a green light on Wayne's life
they got the wrong williams
Lil Wayne tour bus???
2015 incident where PeeWee Roscoe (from Slime S***) shot at Wayne's tour bus and attempted to kill him. Allegedly the hit was orchestrated by Birdman and Thug due to Birdman's beef with Wayne at the time (I could be wrong)
How they bringing up the Wayne shooting when Wayne forgave him
Thats not how the world works