This gonna sound federal but after learning about alot in this case im not yellin Free Thug anymore idc if its Free Thug its Free Lucci too
He might have to sit down he might not its whatever to me now
I still be thinking about how his childrens mother got killed over nothing bro them kids lost a mother cause they dad was “king slime” im not making light of it either i find that s*** ridiculous
His kids mother death had nothing to do with thug. You claim to research but don't know s***
of course you posted first lmao
Kc300 literally reading lipstick alley thinking he a detective. Thug BM dying had nothing to do with him it was literally random s*** that went on outside of thug himself.
What does that mean?
His kids mother death had nothing to do with thug. You claim to research but don't know s***
Oh really? what was the story they pushing that it was over a bowling dispute
Bowling na yea facts it was bowling ya got it
What does that mean?
Multiple defendants are currently discussing plea deals with the DA’s office.
So we have to wait and see how those talks go before court proceeds.
If every defendant agrees to a plea deal, this trial is over.
If not, the trial continues.
What would be truly sad is if after all this, they release him and he does something to prove to “the streets” that he’s still that guy, and immediately goes back to jail.
If he really was that guy.. the odds that he goes from a murdering, weapon wielding criminal to a law abiding citizen that wouldn’t even risk a parking ticket is basically zero.
Multiple defendants are currently discussing plea deals with the DA’s office.
So we have to wait and see how those talks go before court proceeds.
If every defendant agrees to a plea deal, this trial is over.
If not, the trial continues.
So in the most likely case Thug still serving time?
So in the most likely case Thug still serving time?
I wonder if his time served already will count towards whatever they give him
So in the most likely case Thug still serving time?
Yes, it's still likely he serves time.
Steele would need to negotiate something like a 3 year deal (with some charges dropped) and time served for him to get out quickly.
Similar to what YFN Lucci got.
Plea deals for sure only for the rest of these roaches. Thugger is a separate matter i think
If they grant him this he better f*** off from Georgia as soon as he can (if there’s nothing legally in the way)
smartest thing I’ve seen a street cat do recently related to this context is NBA youngboy moving to the middle of nowhere ,whoever’s idea that was
Yes, it's still likely he serves time.
Steele would need to negotiate something like a 3 year deal (with some charges dropped) and time served for him to get out quickly.
Similar to what YFN Lucci got.
Lucci actually had more evidence against him, concrete s***. If they take a plea I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s time served plus some probation