Turkish Kanye
Today is obviously ye day and I was out today in town and before going home .. I crossed the intersection … I was more than hallway accross the walk and then like 3 cars started speeding or whatever …. Like I said it’s ye day and these crackers been doing lamo ish but that was obviously bs cause wouldn’t the other lane be going instead of that it was mixed up … so wouldn’t I be able to get a bag out of that
Sober Translation :: people trying to go out their way to creep me out …. Like 4 cars also turned around while I was on my walk … stopped and got out like they were going to shoot me … bruh you clowns don’t get it .. I don’t even want to listen to this ye album in Texas cause these people are f***in cringe and wierd … sooooo… it’s cool no help like the apex Martin song ☠️.. ok bruhs but the city got a law suit on there b**** ass for putting me in that kind of danger
I ain’t even wanna listen to the album except the h**** track tsss … f*** ppl know what’s goodn
Dude I’m just gunna got the court and tell ‘Em they put my life in danger at an intersection crosswalk
Every week I walk away with DMX syrup over hundred of dollars over months for the past frew years … and how c***cops don’t get me … cause they stopped putting security tags on these …. Doesn’t that cost the company for the robbitusin
Dels etc ??? How they go this long lmao
That’s insane, cause like Today is obviously ye day and I was out today in town and before going home .. I crossed the intersection … I was more than hallway accross the walk and then like 3 cars started speeding or whatever …. Like I said it’s ye day and these crackers been doing lamo ish but that was obviously bs cause wouldn’t the other lane be going instead of that it was mixed up … so wouldn’t I be able to get a bag out of that
No one wants to admit im able to get a law suit on the f***ing city I was just asking how I’d do that since I’ve never sued anyone and was wondering maybe someone might know tf am I speaking Spanish Pablo ?
You in Oakland, dawg?
You in Oakland, dawg?
People still wear masks out here … walking home and I was listening to Almist and some randy had some wierd smell like tf is wrong with this town
Dude I’m just gunna got the court and tell ‘Em they put my life in danger at an intersection crosswalk
No one respects a person that gets the law involved
My dumbass read CARS in all caps and immediately thought you were talking about the movie
My dumbass read CARS in all caps and immediately thought you were talking about the movie
Glad to know it wasn’t just me
My dumbass read CARS in all caps and immediately thought you were talking about the movie
Nah I think that was a reasonable assumption