U a member since 2020 so ima give you the botd
Wtf u talking bout fam
Ay dip fk ever heard of Kanye live or even the one before that
Yea I was on that right at the transition to og ktt and I head of the forum from 2006 …… dumb ass I was in 5th grade when graduation came out moron
Oh, you the crackhead lol
I bet if I put out a YouTube video and flexed the home I’m in while smoking one 🖕🏼 & explaining with my voice since maybe some troll could be hacking my text maybe and altering what I’m saying because I know 1000% I’m writing clear as day in my thread … .. did I say crack heads. I said crackers … RICKHICK NATION out here .. while actuall crack heads are tweaking right now.. but ok
I bet if I put out a YouTube video and flexed the home I’m in while smoking one 🖕🏼 & explaining with my voice since maybe some troll could be hacking my text maybe and altering what I’m saying because I know 1000% I’m writing clear as day in my thread … .. did I say crack heads. I said crackers … RICKHICK NATION out here .. while actuall crack heads are tweaking right now.. but ok
Brother I have been a crackhead before, its all good
No one respects a person that gets the law involved
You’re a f***in joke fam… I need money .. that’s a law suit … are you fkn ddd?
So obviously no one here knows anything about suing … like if ye guys slipped in McDonald’s … and there wasent a wet floor sign … wouldn’t you take advantage or just be like ahh it’s cool. While your f***in head is cracked and bleeding
Googled “Sue for pedestrian injury” I didn’t get hurt but can’t I tell them
To bring up the footage on the cameras they have on that
I bet if I put out a YouTube video and flexed the home I’m in while smoking one 🖕🏼 & explaining with my voice since maybe some troll could be hacking my text maybe and altering what I’m saying because I know 1000% I’m writing clear as day in my thread … .. did I say crack heads. I said crackers … RICKHICK NATION out here .. while actuall crack heads are tweaking right now.. but ok
Talk to em bro
Ay dip fk ever heard of Kanye live or even the one before that
What does that have to do with your thread making zero sense. Edit that s*** gang.
That’s insane, cause like Today is obviously ye day and I was out today in town and before going home .. I crossed the intersection … I was more than hallway accross the walk and then like 3 cars started speeding or whatever …. Like I said it’s ye day and these crackers been doing lamo ish but that was obviously bs cause wouldn’t the other lane be going instead of that it was mixed up … so wouldn’t I be able to get a bag out of that
Yeah that happens to me to Every week I walk away with DMX syrup over hundred of dollars over months for the past frew years … and how c***cops don’t get me … cause they stopped putting security tags on these …. Doesn’t that cost the company for the robbitusin
Dels etc ??? How they go this long lmao