  • Matter of fact, we once had these Chinese exchange football players back in 2015

    These fools hadn't heard of Eminem or Drake

    Was a shock to me
    But tbh, it makes sense, totally diff cultures, already existing on they own frequencies
    Am sure a superstar over there is a complete unknown over here, still making millions over there

    What does it matter

  • Jan 14
    2 replies


  • 2words

    Hell no. What’s next, a Fatboy Slim biopic?

  • Nort 💫
    Jan 14
    1 reply

    americans know the song Candy but thats it

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Jan 14
    1 reply

    americans know the song Candy but thats it

    No I don't

  • Nort 💫
    Jan 14
    2 replies

    No I don't

    if you’ve ever been inside a Target or Kohls then yes you do

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Jan 14
    1 reply

    if you’ve ever been inside a Target or Kohls then yes you do

    Maybe that's true

    I stopped going to stores when they closed blockbuster

  • Legit thought this was about Robin Williams and was so confused why he was a monkey and was singing and performing. Even asked my older brother if Robin Williams use to make music

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    if you’ve ever been inside a Target or Kohls then yes you do

    Worked at a Target for a couple years in the early/mid 2010s. Have never heard that song in my life until just now.

  • Nort 💫
    Jan 14

    Maybe that's true

    I stopped going to stores when they closed blockbuster


  • Nort 💫
    Jan 14
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Worked at a Target for a couple years in the early/mid 2010s. Have never heard that song in my life until just now.

    ok then it was played in walmarts

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    Amy Winehouse >>> Robbie Williams

  • Jan 14
    1 reply
    Zack From The Six

    Quintessential pop artist. I feel bad for people who don't know his old hits. You aren't well versed if you don't know about him

    Feel a classic song but "quintessential pop artist" is a massive stretch

  • Jan 14

    feel like ive heard the name before but i can’t say in confidence that i know who he is

  • mov

    Mariah was massive in Europe in the 90s. What are you smoking

    People forget how much of an international star Mariah Carey was in the 90s and 2000s forreal lol shorty frequently sold out in Thailand, Dubai, China, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Lebanon. And of course selling out in Australia/New Zealand and Europe.

    I remember her doing a ton of commercials in Japan and Hong Kong I think in the early 2000s. They love her out there in Asia.

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    no funny s*** but i've never heard of this man a day in my life b4 all of this

    I'm surprised. You love bad music

  • first time i heard about robbie williams was through this movie

  • I know my euro brothers seething itt

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    ok then it was played in walmarts

    Also worked at Walmart. Never heard it there either

  • everyone knows Robin Williams

  • Jan 14


    you gotta realize that people going to bat for robbie actually arent his uk fans, but the ones they imported his music to via radio stations. everyone knows Feel back where im from and nobody knows Purple Rain

    i told my girl that americans dont know who robbie williams is and she was mildly shocked like him of all people?

  • Fire song, those keys also he performed at the 2018 world cup, surprised more of you don't remember him from this

  • Jan 14
    1 reply

    I always hear Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Mary J Blige

    Basically a lot of R&B artist

    Mariah sold milllions of albums in Europe and Asia. She's an awful choice lmao.

  • I know who he is but i dont feel the need to watch a whole movie about this man, yet alone dressed as a monkey wtf is this s***

  • i didn't realize that song Rock DJ was him until recently. that being said this shouldn't have even been marketed as a biopic. it should have just been a monkey. focus on the monkey. let people figure out what it actually is on their own.
