Only Akademiks followers think Thug is getting out of any of this. This is no different than the positive Tory rhetoric that was pushed by that same side of the internet. Nigga is guilty as f***.
ooooooooh, that' textbook not smart. lol.
Warning your clients about their warrants is illegal now? Jesus the feds are doing everything to take Thug down
Warning your clients about their warrants is illegal now? Jesus the feds are doing everything to take Thug down
You literally cant do that + he wasnt her client at that time. Also helped her client smuggle d**** into the prison
Only Akademiks followers think Thug is getting out of any of this. This is no different than the positive Tory rhetoric that was pushed by that same side of the internet. Nigga is guilty as f***.
none of the “YSL lawyers” getting in trouble have been Thug’s lawyers, that’s why
Warning your clients about their warrants is illegal now? Jesus the feds are doing everything to take Thug down
its always been illegal bro
thats an obstruction of justice if they flee or destroy evidence
Need her
Yea he getting life
Where did they find her
Why is this white woman who’s seems to live in the suburbs doing how to videos on street s***
Now she wanted to be down so bad and now look at ya
She bout to sing like a bird
Why is this white woman who’s seems to live in the suburbs doing how to videos on street s***
Now she wanted to be down so bad and now look at ya
She bout to sing like a bird
Need her
Semi Real
Like most Ww there are videos/pics where I see the vision/pics and videos where she look like a generic 90’s/early 2000’s WWF midcarder in the face
Hood adjacent is a classi line