look at my lawyer dawg
Thug is probably just constantly muttering this under his breath with all the hijinks the YSL legal team is getting up to
She could've done it, but not over the phone lmfao
Send a pidgeon, meet in person, as a lawyer she shoulda known better
this basic 101 1st term of lawschool
That baby like 5 months dripped in Palms Angel. He might As well be named Jaden
i peeped his off-white
nah this s*** is actually jokes i lirl to the last clip
none of the “YSL lawyers” getting in trouble have been Thug’s lawyers, that’s why
he’s fried man
i hope you don’t mute me when im in that b**** aha-ing
“Look at my lawyer dog, I’m going to jail”…
she couldn't even do the scrunched up eye strain confused facial expression of the original picture right she just smiling like its a holiday pic n she waiting for her dog to run back to her after playing catch. so she also a terrible actor as well hell nah its never been more over
her IG wild
it brazy as hell watch it get use as evidence she snitching on herself
They don't have to be. They're all tied into a gang that he very visibly led/leads. He's cooked.
the guy she represented was literally severed from the trial
Pretty sure she dropped a they coming for you my nigga one of those times that's how comfortable she felt
Obviously she isn't lol. Folks ain't seen that old white dude that been Thug's lawyer forever? She probably the lawyer for one of the other YSL defendants
She’s seen more trains than Penn station
I wonder if she kept her blaccent during the bond hearing