  • Mar 26, 2021
    Level 5 Goblin

    I'm liking XYZ but I am worried about pendulum monsters coming to this. Really hoping they let XYZ breathe for another year or 2.
    If duels start getting too long and drawn out I'm gone. Right now it's basically just aromages that do that

    I don't think xys are too problematic. But the pendulum thing seems like bullshit to me. A lot of the games I've played against new decks turn into a game of solitaire where I have to watch someone play by themselves for ten minutes and it's honestly f***ing weird because they will use all there cards and then replenish them like wtf.

  • Mar 26, 2021
    Level 5 Goblin

    I'm liking XYZ but I am worried about pendulum monsters coming to this. Really hoping they let XYZ breathe for another year or 2.
    If duels start getting too long and drawn out I'm gone. Right now it's basically just aromages that do that

    I actually like long drawn out duels it's those first turns where they drop a full field and then add like 5 cards to there hand where I'm just sitting there like wtf.

  • Apr 3, 2021

    Just got the Sacred beasts deck irl & my lil bruh got Freezing chains it always boils down to who can get their chain out fastest that’ll win

    Just curious, is there any way to import structure decks I buy to Duel Links?

  • Apr 12, 2021
    2 replies

    Feels Iike half the game is using Blue Eyes fam it’s ridiculous

  • Apr 18, 2021
    3 replies

    Feels Iike half the game is using Blue Eyes fam it’s ridiculous

    Bruh I came from OCG irl (stopped watching after GX) directly into DL and I was like, WTF???

    First duel I had with a base Yugi deck and I got F***ED in a global duel some jit in Asia did a chain on me where he just summoned all these noble knights 1st turn and wrecked me.

    I had a f***ing Feral Imp set in defense mode.

  • Apr 18, 2021

    Need a half off sale on old boxes so bad all I need to complete my harpie deck are lances and chalices I only have 1 of each rn

  • Apr 18, 2021

    Feels Iike half the game is using Blue Eyes fam it’s ridiculous

    They are lol

  • Apr 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    I still don't know wtf this is. I play legacy of the duelist on my ps4 I swear it's nothing but old heads on there and I love it they don't really like playing with all the new s*** and neither do I. And some old decks are still powerful I be whooping ass with sabers and black wings all day and if I don't beat you I can bet good money that you were sweating through the match

    I must admit tho some of the new decks are too fast and powerful to deal with sabers and blackwings.

    How good is legacy of duelist? Might get into that

  • Apr 19, 2021

    How good is legacy of duelist? Might get into that

    I like it a lot. I tried to play duel links I didn't f*** with it at all. You just gotta do a lot of bullshit story mode battles for cards and stuff. I still play it from time to time, I have like 3-4 decks on there. I play the old one tho the new one probably has more active player base.

  • Apr 19, 2021
    1 reply

    More bullshit too probably that I don't like dealing with..all this new yu-gi-oh s*** is wild. Power creep has f***ed this game imo.

  • Apr 19, 2021

    Bruh I came from OCG irl (stopped watching after GX) directly into DL and I was like, WTF???

    First duel I had with a base Yugi deck and I got F***ED in a global duel some jit in Asia did a chain on me where he just summoned all these noble knights 1st turn and wrecked me.

    I had a f***ing Feral Imp set in defense mode.

    S*** is hilarious mofuckers be playing solitaire first turn the cards have like 100 words of text. Lmfao wtf is a pendulum a way to summon more than one monster a turn. A tribute summon cost you one monster. A synchro summon cost you two monsters even exceeds respect this rule. And you can lose them instantly to a bth, compulsory evacuation device (which being at 1 is bullshit btw), etc... This new s*** is stupid I seen people fill fields on there first turn and not lose or pay for anything just drop 6 cards on the field and then for extra f***ery somehow replenish there hand like wtf is this. I dare you to try to teach this s*** to a kid he's gonna laugh at you.

  • Apr 19, 2021

    Legacy of duelist has a lot of old heads on it who surprisingly agree with me. I befriend these f***ers and play with them we use old decks. They all have new decks to keep up with the meta but I'm so out of touch and think it's bullshit and refuse to participate my old decks hang with them sometimes. But the new s*** is really way too fast it's unreal. And then you got a bunch of trolls who play pure f***ery decks like stall decks or like wave motion cannon just stupid s*** but it's hilarious and fun stuff. Way better than getting d***ed down by meta decks all day.

  • Apr 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    More bullshit too probably that I don't like dealing with..all this new yu-gi-oh s*** is wild. Power creep has f***ed this game imo.

    Game got ruined with pendulums. Synchros was the last great era.

  • Apr 20, 2021

    Niggas play against themselves. A race to do OTK. Got hand traps and all this bs issa mess. XYZ is cool but still

  • Apr 20, 2021

    Bruh I came from OCG irl (stopped watching after GX) directly into DL and I was like, WTF???

    First duel I had with a base Yugi deck and I got F***ED in a global duel some jit in Asia did a chain on me where he just summoned all these noble knights 1st turn and wrecked me.

    I had a f***ing Feral Imp set in defense mode.

  • Apr 20, 2021

    Bruh I came from OCG irl (stopped watching after GX) directly into DL and I was like, WTF???

    First duel I had with a base Yugi deck and I got F***ED in a global duel some jit in Asia did a chain on me where he just summoned all these noble knights 1st turn and wrecked me.

    I had a f***ing Feral Imp set in defense mode.

    This deadass happened to me too

    Started playing this week, first ranked game I kill some lvl 10 noble knight i think, with a sick combo, and he re-summons it and i lose next turn

  • Apr 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Game got ruined with pendulums. Synchros was the last great era.

    Pendulums is dumb as s*** a way to summon more than one monster a turn f*** off. Remember when cyber dragon was basically the strongest card in the game. We've come a long way to this pure f***ery. Game is f***ed.

  • Apr 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    Pendulums is dumb as s*** a way to summon more than one monster a turn f*** off. Remember when cyber dragon was basically the strongest card in the game. We've come a long way to this pure f***ery. Game is f***ed.

    They don’t know what the f*** they doin anymore it’s sad. Dying franchise. Yugioh in its prime was my s***, even moreso than Pokémon. 5ds was an amazing era.

  • Apr 20, 2021

    They don’t know what the f*** they doin anymore it’s sad. Dying franchise. Yugioh in its prime was my s***, even moreso than Pokémon. 5ds was an amazing era.

    Pokemon TCG has absolute f*** s*** on prime yugioh tcg. Pokemon, magic too slow you rely on mana and energy. Yugioh damn near everything playable it use to be a thinking man games of minus 1s and 2s. You get pluses when you can searchers or black whirlwind it's f*** s*** too much solitaire people doing s*** on my turn like with there monsters like wtf b lemme play!! It's my turn.

  • Apr 20, 2021

    I use to love this game I will never play it physically again. Legacy of the duelist works for me.

  • Apr 20, 2021

    How you ban royal oppression

    F*** off :pacspit:

  • Jun 28, 2021

    Arc-V really on the way
    Arc-V and NEW Main Box

  • 97 hours an counting.

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Supreme King Jaden and Evil Heroes

  • Aug 6, 2021

    oldhead posts ITT killing me