Konami trying to kill my Thunder Dragons by limiting Aloof Lupine but it's not gonna work.
First turn plays won't be as good since it'll be harder to get a rank 6 on the field but otherwise the deck is still alive imo
Man trying to build a destiny hero/evil hero deck is so annoying, I spent the last week slowly grinding Aster up to level 40 and now I gotta level Jaden/Yubel up to 45 just to get one copy of the Wind Masked Hero card
Been playing this absolutely deranged deck I came up with. It’s a lot of fun and it’s not doing all that bad in legend so far surprisingly.
Monster Reborn, Dream Tickets, and Dark Paladin EX Structure Deck incoming!!!
Oh Christ I really don’t want to play this game again but
Smh Duel Links in the mud
Konami about to let this die
The box they're releasing soon is really good too but they need to be less stingy with the gems
The box they're releasing soon is really good too but they need to be less stingy with the gems
Don’t even matter man I spent 9k gems and got 1 book of f***ing moon. This game is dead to me
Don’t even matter man I spent 9k gems and got 1 book of f***ing moon. This game is dead to me
This last selection box killed my soul. Spent wayyy too many gems and even a bit of money and didn't get either of the new good UR cards
Finally added Jim to the GX and the new Box that’s on the way is pretty cool. Really wish they added a craft system like Master Duel cause the drop rates are still ass
Man trying to build a destiny hero/evil hero deck is so annoying, I spent the last week slowly grinding Aster up to level 40 and now I gotta level Jaden/Yubel up to 45 just to get one copy of the Wind Masked Hero card
lmaoo you and I were prob doing this grind at exact the same time
Just got back on this after a few years. Built this slick anti meta Dark Magician deck trying to hit KOG
Anyone on here play still?
Just got back on this after a few years. Built this slick anti meta Dark Magician deck trying to hit KOG
Anyone on here play still?
just started playing/collecting yugioh irl this month
need some recommendations for fun casual low budget decks to play against my girl